Alex Meyers

Just watched the pilot. Good stuff. Abe's certainly in an ambiguous moral environment. As a proud Canadian (Dog Save the Queen!) I appreciated that the British geurillas were Roger's Rangers and the pervy lobsterback was Simcoe.

This was a great episode. I've really enjoyed the webisodes and I'm glad they're moving to a longer format.

I'm on the fence between clone and LMD. I think Tahiti and the white light were them transferring his consciousness to a new "body" .

Very well reasoned!

I was surprised that Richard was just a paid assassin. I thought he must be killing them for some personal beef.

Read that too quickly as 'Dennis Rodman'. Hmm that's an interesting perspective.

Gay Gangster wedding vows!

Yeah I thought he was trying to resign because he takes pride in his job and didn't feel he could up the appropriate standard. He just wanted to hear Nucky say that he's  appreciated. Daaaaww.

I don't don't mean they should turn him into an undead liche.

I don't think she genuinely believed that, because she was actually lying about the whole cuckold set-up. But in order to keep up the pretense of the 'victimized white woman' she felt compelled to suggest the lyching.

Mythologized Africa.

What do you think Dr. Narcisse meant by dumping Mrs Pastor's body by the building site? Was that deliberate to stir up shit for Nucky?

Watching this episode right now. Is there a weekly Degrassi review or is this a one off? MOAR  PLZ Goodbye to some old favourite characters.

Yeah I also like that the show has broken the dichotomy of buffoonish dad / competent mom which is the norm on most other domestic sitcoms.

At least twice in separate sketches did thy make the "black people talk during movies" joke.

This was a great episode! Melissa nailed it, she's bound to join the five-timers club. I also don't understand the choice of the Kim Jong Un sketch for the cold open. It was too static and not that funny.

I hope he remains faithful to Twiley. That will at least remove him from the gene pool.

"Bataan death march of Whimsy" is an amazing title. I'd like to see Tim Burton or Wes Anderson do a movie about the Bataan Death March.


Bringing sexy Bjork.