Johnny D

No demerits?
I seem to remember previous Primers including a demerits section, lightly chastising the subject's lesser works. But maybe Gaiman doesn't have any.

Wow, I was just about to say "Duck Down" is the most enjoyable of their pop efforts, and a fantastic party song. Oh well. I also think Tipping Point was underrated, probably because they went so ambitious on Phrenology and then intentionally scaled it back and tried some mainstream stuff. They were trying for all-time

I'd prefer to see him reunited with the bottles of wine that inspired "Cold Roses" and "Demolition." Anything to avoid another "Cardinology."

I'd pay good money to see a movie where gunslingin' cowboys fight vikings for northern supremacy, but it would inevitably end with both sides going home traumatized and broken.

My ballot
I'm putting this here because I'm already late to the party on the other thread…
1. Grizzly Bear, Veckatimest
2. Metric, Fantasies
3. The Thermals, Now We Can See
4. Japandroids, Post-Nothing
5. Future Of The Left, Travels With Myself And Another
6. The Avett Brothers, I and Love and You
7. Passion Pit, Manners

This is not a complaint or a criticism
I don't think I've ever been so sure of something as I was of the top three in this list. They all deserve it, no doubt, but I think I predicted those three albums in that exact order a month ago (I AM SO SMART! WEEEE!). Last year, the only sure thing was Dear Science at number

Fair enough. And I'm excited for the Orphans list you mention. That said, the only album that I think NEEDED to make the list, but was left off because of the one-per-artist rule, was Dear Science. That's the best album of the decade, in my opinion.

Only one album per atrist?
Was there a rule limiting your choices to one album per artist? I can't argue with the ones chosen or their placement, but I'm surprised In Rainbows, Neon Bible, Dear Science, Elephant, Boys And Girls In America, and other albums weren't included. This list definitely leans towards each

No 'ships
Why must anyone on the show couple up? Isn't it more fun when they're all just friends hanging out and doing things? To me, a show about a "touchy, persnickety nerd and the kooky girl next door" and their three nerd friends, is infinitely more interesting than any Sheldon/Penny or Leonard/Penny

Quite literally, having Grace Kelly do ANYTHING besides fart would have been preferable. They should have done something like the classic Heather Locklear QVC sketch, where she's insulting every race and ethnicity trying to sell blenders and shit. I mean, have Kelly say horribly inappropriate things to Jimmy Stewart

Nevermind. "Home," by Edward Shapre and the Magnetic Zeros.

Song at the end?
Does anyone know what that song was playing over the final scene? I've definitely heard it before, but I can't recall. It was awesome.

First day of baseball season
I watch 'Field of Dreams' every year on the night before the first day of baseball season. This has gotten harder and less rewarding since MLB started playing games in Japan a week early, and ESPN started broadcasting a Sunday night game before the first Monday, but I still do it.

"I'm a simple man. I like pretty, dark-haired women and breakfast food. But this stock photo I bought at a framing store isn't real. Today, I got the real thing - a naked Tammy made me breakfast this morning. I should've taken a picture."

I haven't seen it, but I gave it an A. 'Cause FUCK IT.