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    I really think that this is Gattaca's year!
    How many years in a row can they ignore it?

    I find the show unwatchable live. On a DVR, it's fantastic. I completely agree about the narrator— it's a 30 minute show with 30 minutes of needless padding, "recapping" what we've missed.

    Mars Attacks
    Only two left, and yet still so many flops outstanding! Is it too late to request Mars Attacks?

    Ron Popeil
    He's my hero. I'm completely honest. I love his Showtime grill; I use it all the time. And Malcolm Gladwell's New Yorker article on him from 2000 is the best magazine article I've ever read.

    Guest stars
    Jerry Seinfeld, Steve Buscemi, Carrie Fisher, David Schwimmer and Al Gore, and now Edie Falco. I think 30 Rock 's cast is strong enough on its own to carry a show. I wonder if the SNL lineage causes the writers and producers to feel the need to bring in a guest star every week.

    Don't worry about letting us down again
    That's the last new Office for a very long time. At least it was worth the many repeat viewings it will receive as people try to figure out what to watch on Thursday nights.

    Alan Sepinwall
    Alan Sepinwall, on his blog, said this episode was the best episode of any comedy so far this season. I think the only contender would be the previous 30 Rock with Carrie Fisher. I can't believe they managed to topple "Rosemary's Baby", but somehow this did.

    What kind of a game is that?
    Love the dark turn, especially because there's always the magic of Kelly and Darryl to brighten the show.