Sailor Sun

I really wanted to contribute something incisive, but just seeing that header image of TJ & Amal has turned me into puddle. Puddles so rarely have germane things to say.

When Diane began, "You have a weakness for blonde…" my internal and external monologues started shrieking, "PleaseSay'Bombshell'PleaseSay'Bombshell'PleaseSay 'Bombshell'PleaseSay'Bombshell'…"

And, ultimately, so easy to kill!

That Will Rogers walked away with so many of the big trophies is something that fills me with galactic rage to this very day.
P.S.: Once on this Island is my personal fave, too :-D

Thanks! I didn't know Julie Plec had said that. How wonderfully mealy-mouthed of her.
Everything you said, however, I agree with 100%, and am here for.

The thing I can't get over about this season is what unqualifiable duds the Heretics turned out to be as Big Bads. These are the villains so formidable that an entire town had to be evacuated to appease them? These yabos were ultimately so easily dispatched, it's almost insulting to the legacies of Katherine, Klaus,

Yeah, about that… are we all willfully ignoring the fact that Damon raped Caroline? Repeatedly? I mean, if we are, that's… fine? (I have practice with Chuck Bass on Gossip Girl.) I just like to know the game plan ahead of time.

So I'm clear: Ariana Grande's actual musical and comedic acting skills get damned with faint praise (and the episode meh'd because it… played to her strengths… which is bad times…), while Jost gets a "nice bit of acting" attaboy for an two-second aside, and his segment— during which he made the kind of sophomoric 69

That's actually exactly how I was introduced to her, too! I hated almost every other aspect of that version, but she was everything!
(The very next piece of work of hers I checked out was Ragtime. Which… was a… tonal… shift…)

American Idol, after Jennifer Hudson was eliminated.

I dig it!

Even I find the Notre Dame mascot offensive, and my black behind could not have any fewer dogs in that fight.

I suppose morphing from a wooden haircut who can barely read a cue card into a corny white guy caricature does constitute a "significant improvement." Sorta like morphing from an F to a D.

Real talk, tho: I f#cking LOVE Darby O’Gill And The Little People— outrageous cultural insensitivity notwithstanding.

I think I'll start skipping over the "Weekend Update" portion of these recaps in the future. The curve they're graded on is so severe it makes me question my sanity. Like I'm being puppeteered, if you will.

I know I'm probably grading on a curve, but I actually thought this season was pretty good! It was dull and/or confusing in places— and needlessly expository in even more places— but, on the whole, I think it delivered exactly what I wanted: decadent visuals, grand performances, and over-the-top moments of gore and

I agree with everything except the Dress of the Week. Mary's blood red engagement gown was breathtaking.

The article mentions it: Dan was Gossip Girl. It was logistically impossible. And not a single person called him out on his misanthro/sociopathy. It literally hurt my feelings.

A) When I read "bro-venture," I spontaneously cried out "EW!"
B) How dare you even type the words "Happy Endings" while reviewing this crap.

I want. This not. To. Exist. Anymore.