
I love Shane Black's movies, but you're right about the disposable women bit. Granted, he gave us Geena Davis' amnesiac housewife/super soldier and the Paper Moon rehash daughter in Nice Guys, but there's still a rough record of pretty young things who meet dismal ends so that the cool, funny guys can keep being cool

I didn't know about that, but that makes a ton of sense in retrospect. Another mid-90s outlier hard rock band, The Black Crowes, took a ton of cues from two of their openers, Jellyfish and The Jayhawks, as their sound changed with the second and third records.

I actually didn't mind his semi-flustered, marbly-mouthed approach to Update. His joke-writing was always superb, and has only improved with time. If you just listen to the above bit, you'll hear tons of great lines. He always worked a simile especially well. He may not have a been a confident host or created a

Given the A.V. Club's love of Josie and The Pussycats, I'm surprised they mentioned "Can't Hardly Wait" as the Kaplan / Elfont connection instead of noting that this pair wrote/directed one of the "50 best comedies of the 2000s"

Chicken Cow has always been my favorite. I still use it on my wife sometimes, and she hates it.

Now that he's back, I really hope O'Neal doesn't tire of Newswires because no one else comes close to handling them as deftly. The difference between O'Neal and Not-O'Neal is more pronounced than the difference between Taylor Swift's bank account and mine.

I know it's the old man "play the hits!" thing to say, but I concur. I miss Donna. And Noel. And Sean most of all. I even miss Rabin.

Never forget, popular music from the past (especially rock music) is to be mocked as often as possible. That's A.V. Club 101!

I've been a fan of his for the last 20 years or so, but I was unaware of this. From the outside, at least, he is a very high-functioning addict. Consistently putting out material, keeping himself in the limelight (as much as anyone can when they're a rock star from the 90s). His public appearances and performances are

A freaky story, to be sure, but I feel they buried they lede here. Famous millionaire rock star Chris Cornell had kids in public school? That's some solid man-of-the-people life choicing right there.

Tchad Blake and Mitchell Froom may not always get the best results of out of the artists they produce, but in their heyday everything they produced and engineered at least sounded fantastic. The drums and bass on "Revolution" should have inspired a thousand hip-hop groups. They sound amazing.

Fair enough, but the goal isn't to have space between us, but rather space between one of us and whoever else is to our left. But I already know how that will play out. The seat will be taken by some random person anyway, and then I'm out $80 and the extra elbow room I seek.

I get that Fargo is a masterpiece. I'm happy it won them Oscars. I took a picture of my TV when they won their first because it felt like the mainstream was validating everything I'd held dear in my teens.

Yes! The four of us watched the movie together and then discussed it together. An A.V. Club foursome!

I have an extra ticket to next weekend's show in Nashville. I'm tempted to eat the money on it just so that my friend and I have one more buffer seat between us and whatever creature of the night would be willing to go solo last-minute to a GNR show in 2016. That's the right call, isn't it?

This is the A.V. Club's second Permanent Records essay written about Sloan. The first was Noel Murray and "Between The Bridges" which is my favorite Sloan album.

I was talking with a colleague who lives in London about America's gun issues. I'm certainly not okay with the rampant gun-related violence in our country, but I was trying to assure her it wasn't as bad as the media made it out to be, saying things like "I don't know anyone who owns a gun" and all that stuff. Trying

Sold. And it's so dense, with such a fully realized universe. And that score! I used to listen to that theme on a loop at night before going to bed. Again, what they've accomplished since Fargo can't be denied, but the Coen films I wanna rewatch on a regular basis are the first five.

I eagerly caught an opening night screening during the 2000 re-release. My girlfriend and I were the only two there at first, then another couple came in after a few minutes. I'm not sure the jokey film historian opening sketch helped matters, though it certainly didn't hurt. The Coens don't give a fudge. Is that

To have been at Circle during the early years of the Coens… thumbs up on your life. Seriously. I know they garnered greater acclaim from Fargo and beyond, but that early run is what hooked me. Defined everything I wanted in movies as a teenager in the early 90s.