
That is a solid joke and is the only thing that is given me comfort at the moment. Prince, like David Bowie, was one-of-a-kind on every level. There will never be another. Even when some kid is lucky enough to be born with the same amount of musical talent, it will not be able to manifest in ways that Prince did.

I have no interest in Girls, but anything that keeps Michael Penn making music gets a thumbs up from me. One of my very favorite songwriters. A huge shame he isn't making proper albums anymore.

This guy and the artists he works with are not making entertainment for me on any level. Fair enough. Different strokes, etc. But it's pretty shitty how he threw one of his protégés under the bus when describing the disappointing low-budget Busta Rhymes video. Then again, we were forewarned. This is how he rocks it.

No one is going to read this, and I don't blame them, but I have edited two different faith-based features. One night, on a whim, I wrote a joke email to the director of these films who, like me, didn't care for the typical Christian films being made. I would very much like to see this movie.

Steve's music is the best it's ever been. I've been fortunate enough to make some videos with the band, and it's always a blast. I hope those guys keep it up. World needs more of them and less of… ya know, all of the stuff referenced in this article.

I've worked with Steve for years, and edited both his features. I could write more, but you basically covered it all.

I didn't realize that. Looks like he hasn't had a credit since the early 90s, but wow… those are two stunning accomplishments just the same. Both films make very big statements, despite their relatively low profiles.

I don't know why I assumed Kim was less petty than her husband other than the fact it seems impossible to be at the same level of peak pettiness that Kanye has embraced. Nonetheless, she seems to be settling into his groove quite nicely. Congratulations?

The fact that Keanu and Tom Cruise haven't been in a movie together defies all action-movie-producer logic. The behind-the-scenes training videos alone would be more entertaining that 99% of all other modern American action films.

That may be true, but Kanye asking "Does anyone know who Bob Ezrin is?" (and the presumed response from his fans of "no!") confirms how short-lived most pop culture phenomenons are.

The many scarfs at the end was a nice touch. And the cross-cutting between the director and the writer's respective "visions" of the film was pretty great. Solid job, internet!

Suicide Squad's marketing team may have looked to Deadpool's campaign for inspiration, but this remains an exceptionally well-made trailer in its own right. I honestly can't believe Bohemian Rhapsody hasn't been used to this effect before.

Oh man, that was just sitting there. Nice work. And everyone should check out "The Cutting Edge" because it's a really fun look into the film editing process, but oh man, when Cohen shows up with his dumb Sons Of Anarchy-extra look and starts waxing on about Cubist art, it's just glorious.

"An Evening With," the live album culled from shows at the Orpheum and Beacon in '91, was the first ABB album I ever owned, having been too young to appreciate the original line-up. But the Warren/Dickey-era played a huge role in my junior high and high school years. So good job to Boston on contributing to those

Didn't Roger Corman make the original Fast & The Furious? Also, Rob Cohen has done some fun(ish) things (two unrelated movies with Dragon in the title!), but he's forever burned in my mind as the insanely arrogant goofball who has screentime in the excellent documentary about film editing "The Cutting Edge," where he

I was an early adopter as well, going back to when it was originally linked with Fugitive Alien, the only other site in the late 90s where you could read about Bob & David and their ilk.

"It could be the soundtrack to almost any scene"

I don't think I've ever heard this band, but living in Nashville I hear about them all the time. Today a friend at work told me a fantastic story about Cage that I desperately want to be true.

Long before John Mulaney and his high school pals were tearing up Chicago with their Tom Jones audio bombs, my buddies and I would go to our local Pizza Hut and play "Mountain Jam" as many times as we could until a manager would unplug the machine.

Two true statements: