
I wanted their 80s compilation so badly that I called customer service and went through probably three different reps, all of whom explained that I was ineligible because I already had a subscription, eventually landing on one who relented because I just begged and pleaded and sounded pathetic, I imagine.

I've had once since 1991. It's so cheap to keep as a decades-long subscriber that I still keep it around, but as you noted, with the rise of the internet, EW as a tool of a discovery isn't really a thing anymore. I thumb through it really quickly these days. Scharpling quick!

Your encouragement is appreciated, but I'm not sure I could dive back in now. I'm so far behind on other forms of media that I enjoy more. But at least I got a few good ones in back in the day!

The first time I heard of Emo music was at a Pizza Hut in the late 90s. I had put a few quarters in the jukebox to play most of "Eat A Peach" by The Allman Brothers, both because I really like it and it was funny to make a whole restaurant listen to the 35-minute "Mountain Jam."

I haven't explored many graphic novels, but I read this about 10 years ago because a friend of mine said it was our upbringing captured in comic form. He wasn't wrong.

Yeah, but I specifically said in my post that his actions weren't admirable. I don't admire him or condone his actions. But, as far as I can tell, he's like a Reddit thread in human form. And he somehow convinced people to give him millions of dollars and make him CEO of multiple companies. But he looks and acts like

Thanks, that genuinely helps!

All the comeuppance stuff aside, somebody explain to me in plain terms (i.e. idiot speak) what this guy did to make so much money so young, and what he did wrong to get arrested. I'm more interested in the former, because as obnoxious as he must be, he's clearly smart or self-confident enough to have tricked many

That's a passionate, well-written review of a movie I will never, ever see. Ebert would be proud. But holy moly, this sounds gut-wrenching. Two tickets to "Sisters" please!

Kassi Lemmons weeps quietly to herself and goes back to read Ebert's glowing review of "Eve's Bayou" for the millionth time.

I love movies. Or, at least, my love of movies has defined me as a person for decades. I even make my living working on TV and movies. But I made it this far…
"dialogue via gnomic aphorisms (Jean-Luc Godard)" before realizing, "Yup, this isn't about the kind of movies I watch." Oh, A.V. Club… just when I think I know

This times a thousand! Both songs have catchy melodies and are easily remembered after a single listen, but only War Is Over is dumb enough to spread such an impossible message. It might as well be called "Merry Christmas (Unicorns Are Real)"

Of course I did! What kind of "Dean Cameron Film Festival" co-host would I be without being a completist? Also, in the early days of chat rooms, I found Dean Cameron, corresponded with him from time to time and even secured an autographed 8x10 headshot that says "To the #1 Dean Cameron Fan in the Entire World!!!"

This promo even features Ski School star Dean Cameron, who was so memorable in so many 80s cable comedies (Summer School, chief among them).

When it comes to actually digesting the joke, it definitely seems better suited for a quick video sketch rather than a full-length album. I laughed out loud the moment he kicked in his piano. That's an amazing one-off joke. I don't imagine I'd laugh much more listening to the rest of the songs. However, the idea that

No slight on Merchant or Krasinski, or Ed Helms who had a similar story posted to Newswire earlier, but these headlines should read "Famous Actors lend their names to small project related to the thing that made them famous, cash big check, go home."

Any movie whose plot hinges on the idea that a single, heterosexual man would be "appalled" that a woman who looks and acts like Lake Bell has lied to him is fatally flawed.

My wife's grandfather was one of the founders of Minit Records, where Touissant got some of his first songs cut. The stories I've heard from her family suggest he was as gracious as he was talented. He leaves behind a stellar reputation and a truly astounding body of work.

Dino has fascinated me since the early 90s, when I would see his name pop up in writing credits on Conan and the like. Same deal with Odenkirk, who I mostly learned about in the late 80s/early 90s just by seeing that vaguely odd name pop up all the time in stuff I loved.

I was amazing / ridiculous is it that we live in a world where "Starburns Industries" is a real thing and regularly produces critically acclaimed work including a movie that will likely be up for various fancy awards. When Dino was writing all his crazed Adult Swim madness back in the day, he couldn't possibly have