
There's a ton of potential hinted at in the trailer. If an executive was pitched "It's Girls meets Serial!" then it's on them for greenlighting something so stupid. However, everyone involved seems to be making the absolute best thing they can out of that, so I'm sold. iZombie is one of the dumbest premises I've ever

Gotta love the IV! Everyone else is mention Beyoncé or Wes Anderson. He submits two things no one has heard of, but writes about them as if they have the ubiquity of Radiohead. Never change, IV.

How soon we forget Johnny Johnson, once and future King of the Winos!

Man… IV sure does know a LOT about movies. Either that or he's crazy good at Googling / Wiki-ing obscure film things. Either way, I'm impressed.

Nice thoughtful posts in here from a bunch of (presumably) rock guitar nerds like myself. But wow… only 6 posts so far? Warner Brothers might want to reconsider their investment.

Holy moly, what happened to the Polish brothers? Sheesh.

I was texting with my brother about Gary Clark Jr. earlier. His talent is undeniable, but the poor guy is a victim of a relentless hype machine that has done him no favors. His songs are completely forgettable. The only truly memorable thing I've heard from GC is that medley of Third Stone From The Sun paired with

it would be nice for Christina Applegate to get a project worthy of her talents. She always delivers. Applegate and fellow 80s child star Jason Bateman would pair nicely. Chop-chop, Hollywood!

These guys are really talented action filmmakers. In all their videos, despite the frenetic, digitally-enhanced camera work, you can always tell who's who and where they are in relation to their opponents, etc.

I saw it on the front page of YouTube and then sent in a recommendation to the GJI email address. I imagine others did the same. I don't even play video games, and I watched the whole thing. It's really clever, and a lot of fun. A genuine great job, internet.

Two things…

Great job, FBI Internet?

I had a David Prior in my life, and he was the greatest dude ever.

Michael Bland would like a word.

My Fred story…
A friend of mine used to hire Fred to do comedy bits for his record label in the late 90s/early 00s after seeing Fred's infamous SXSW tape. It was pretty clear he was gonna be huge. So much natural talent.


All O'Neal newswires should now come with "O'NEAL!!" appended to the headline

Oh yeah, those Beatles lullaby albums are terrific. Both my kids spent the first few years going to sleep to those. And "Chaos" is the best latter-day Macca record. Falkner & Godrich are quite the dynamic duo.

That's hilarious. Even in a band as democratic as Blind Melon, they still don't tell the drummer anything. Great drummer, too. Tons of personality in his playing.

This story seems like a good place to share my own tale of conflicted eating. Ted Cruz is speaking in the complex where I work today. A co-worker noted that there was a huge spread of sweets for his supporters. I just piled up the biggest plate of cookies and brownies I could and headed back to my desk. I can say with