
Man, those toys sold like hot cakes! I worked at Suncoast for most of high school and college. I still remember getting our first shipment of DVDs and saying to myself "this will never last!" Admittedly, I had already invested a ton of money into Laserdiscs at that point, so I was clearly not one to accurately predict

My wife is such a huge fan of the original Prisoner series that when we went to England for a vacation many years ago, she insisted we go to Portmeirion in Wales to see The Village. Good call on her part, as it was really, really, really cool. Much like The Prisoner itself.

Between his super famous brother and his marriage to Aimee Mann, Michael Penn has always been overshadowed, so I wasn't surprised to see him head immediately to the back of the stage and hide behind the more famous punk and indie rockers Fred had assembled by his side. Obviously, this move made sense given both Penn's

Mulaney is obviously this generation's Seinfeld, a comic whose appeal crosses demographic lines with ease. His ascent to TV stardom is inevitable. It's a question of when, not if.

Hasn't she received a lot of air time this season for such a new cast member? She and Cecily Strong seem to be the big break-outs this year.

Yeah, this was the only comedy pilot I was really excited about, and it seemed like a lock. So absolutely… fuck you, NBC.

Even though I'm on sites like the A.V. Club every day, I somehow managed to see "Children Of Men" opening night knowing absolutely nothing about it. My wife was a huge fan of Cuaron's "Great Expectations" and so she said we should go see his new movie. I hadn't even seen a poster, trailer, TV spot, anything.

I would have sworn this show lasted longer than seven episodes. Nevertheless, I remember them vividly. This was a perfect afternoon time-waster in college. I know Dave Sheridan still gets work from time to time, and I think Travis was on Scare Tactics (which was a guilty pleasure), but they were all likable and

I don't usually like to be negative about other people's work, knowing first-hand how hard it is to make a film, even a bad one, but good gravy that trailer is just an all-around mess. It claims to be less than four minutes long, but it felt like an eternity. So poorly edited and with no sense of story or building

Songs To Learn And Sing is among the greatest "Greatest Hits" albums of all time. I really enjoy all the Echo albums, but that comp is an unstoppable force. Same goes for Squeeze and Singles 45s & Under.

USA needs to pair this with a Derek spin-off. Or just randomly insert Derek into old Law & Order episodes.

Yeah, Sturmer is a personal favorite of mine as well. Massively talented guy. And I always thought McCartney played the drums on Come Together?

I didn't see it mentioned in the article or the comments, but this was directed by Andrew Stevens, star and director of classic 90s softcore Shannon Tweed movies like Night Eyes 3. Stay classy, Stevens!

I haven't seen "Girls," but the "Broad City" web series if really silly and more sketch-influenced than anything. Abbi and Ilana have tons of chemistry together and are really capable comic actors. Very high hopes for this one.

I saw Chris Cornell at the Tabernacle 15 years ago or so for what I think was one of his first-ever solo shows. It was awesome, and seeing Soundgarden in a venue that small would be even moreso.

Didn't he do the dragon movie with Christian Bale and McConahaugy as well? The guy is the very definition of "workmanlike."

This is truly awesome. The Meg Ryan joke alone made it worth the click. Kudos, Dada!

Elaine May's AFI speech for Mike Nichols. So great. This lady is as funny and smart as it gets.

That punch would have hurt a lot more had my face not already been melted by Mars Volta's ridiculous instrumental theatrics!

These guys swung and missed a lot, to be sure, but when they connected, the results were often fantastic. Cotopaxi remains one of my favorite rock songs of the last ten years or so.