
Granted, he's definitely had a lot of scanitly clad window dressing on his stage over the years (Diamond & Pearl, Cat, that wife, etc.), but credit where it's due, he's probably employed more female musicians than just about any male pop/rock star around. Wendy/Lisa, Sheila E., Bonnie, Rosie, Candy and the ones from

I worked for the Sundance Channel for a few years. Redford would be in the office every month or so. Even though he's rich and famous and rightly considered one of the most handsome men of the silver screen, he still wears his jeans high above his waist like all old people do. That being said, he totally pulls it off

I saw Strange Days in the theater. I was 17 and a big fan of Near Dark and Point Break. The POV rape/murder scene in Strange Days was so disturbing that I almost left the theater, and I've never seen that film again since. Bigelow is as talented as it gets. Also, she's clearly a vampire. There's no way that lady is in

Line reading of the whole show. Amazing. Though I had to rewind and watch "Fudge! Fudge fudge fudge!" at least three times as well.

As a huge fan of his 80s/90s work, this bums me out. Admittedly, he hasn't hit those highs in a long time, but it's sad to see his career end on a note like this.

@avclub-7d58cc22d9ed7d85decaa81e6cedee22:disqus That's the one. My old man memory is worse than I thought. That is a supremely silly sketch and I love it even though I apparently have no real memory of it.

Nice sleuthin'! I guess I'll just go back to complaining loudly and often that Potato Chip remains the ultimate 10-to-1 sketch.

True, but Tina Fey wrote both of them, I believe. The second was a nice tribute to the first, but I'm willing to cross off the Meadows/Walken one if it wasn't a genuine 10-to-1, but I require answers on the other five. This injustice will not stand!

In addition to "Potato Chip" (which should be mentioned every third comment given how awesome it is), I'm wondering about the following. Were they not technically 10-to1 or were they, like Potato Chip, just too amazing to mention here:

Yeah, "Potato Chip" is probably the single-best definition of a 10-to1 sketch they've ever produced. There is virtually nothing about it that conveys humor apart from the amazing performances and insane commitment to such an inane premise.

Anytime I read a Newswire about some terrible sitcom idea getting a deal, I feel like the article should with O'Neal tossing another spec script in the trash and muttering "What's the fuckin' point, anyway?"

Like Gilmore Girls before it, Bunheads is perfect wintertime viewing because it makes everything seem sunny and awesome for 44 minutes. ASP can wear whatever goofy hats she wants to because she is among the best of the best. They should have let her write/direct that Thin Man revamp.

"As long as Elton John is standing upright…"

Just wanted to say that @avclub-b3c8fb045ba4d7b395b3e319d98fa17f:disqus has the greatest screen name/picture of anyone here. I love it so much that I want to cut into it. To tear the flesh. To wear the flesh. To use the flesh as my key with which to open new worlds.

I just checked the trailers out, and the one that was produced in a "50's Style" (as it claims) does not lend much hope to the notion that there are dynamite performances and ideas waiting to be unleashed by this movie. RIP Paul Schrader's career.

There was a Michael Keaton episode?!? Sorry A.V. Club, but I have to ignore reading you for a while to immerse myself in this immediately. As always, work responsibilities, you remain shit out of luck as well.

Netanyahu is a critically acclaimed black metal band, routinely discussed on popular culture sites like the A.V. Club. Stop wasting time reading Time Magazine and get your priorities straight, Waitress!

@avclub-b438f33d120fae67d78ea4cbe43de909:disqus You can't see me right now, but I'm steepling my fingers and smiling ominously.

@avclub-99b410aa504a6f67da128d333896ecd4:disqus  Don't worry you're pretty little head about it. Everything is taken care of.

Specificity is what makes a resolution more attainable. Last year, it was losing 600 lbs. The year before that it was no more hobo murders. The O'Neal thing has been on my radar for a while. Also, there's this jigsaw puzzle I'd like to finish.