
My new year's resolution was to not laugh out loud at work while reading an O'Neal headline, thus tipping off my employer as to how unproductive I generally am on any given day.

Spot on. This is my favorite new feature on AV Club. There's an amazing Bill Withers quote from his recent documentary where he says something typically folksy and hilarious like, "On the way to the top, take a good long look at the middle because that might be as far as you make it." A lesson everyone could stand to

I'm not a metal fan, but a buddy of mine who is metal 4 life (any other kind) told me about their 30th Anniversary shows at the Fillmore last year, so I looked up some links on youtube and credit where credit is due… these guys seem to treat their die-hard fans pretty well. They did multiple nights at a tiny venue (by

I'm not a metal fan, but a buddy of mine who is metal 4 life (any other kind) told me about their 30th Anniversary shows at the Fillmore last year, so I looked up some links on youtube and credit where credit is due… these guys seem to treat their die-hard fans pretty well. They did multiple nights at a tiny venue (by

Yeah, I had high hopes, but take away the open/end credits parody of "Louie" and this could have been any misanthropic take on a beloved children's cartoon. I mean, it was better than seeing Calvin piss on something, but not by much.

Yeah, I had high hopes, but take away the open/end credits parody of "Louie" and this could have been any misanthropic take on a beloved children's cartoon. I mean, it was better than seeing Calvin piss on something, but not by much.

Yeah, he even had a legitimate hit with that car commercial song from the late 90s, so while he may be coasting more on past achievements these days (as everyone does at his age), as Puddinghead notes, the guy had massive commercial success for many, many years after the Police. In fact, he's one of the rare musicians

Yeah, he even had a legitimate hit with that car commercial song from the late 90s, so while he may be coasting more on past achievements these days (as everyone does at his age), as Puddinghead notes, the guy had massive commercial success for many, many years after the Police. In fact, he's one of the rare musicians

Sting's steady diet of tantric sex and hubris will keep him alive long after all other Police have gone (both band members and actual law enforcement)

Sting's steady diet of tantric sex and hubris will keep him alive long after all other Police have gone (both band members and actual law enforcement)

@avclub-b5af0324c7abe943994b4aae5d5eafbd:disqus I agree. I thought the trailer looked like dumb fun (I confess a soft spot for both Wahlberg and The Rock, both movie and guy), then I read the true story it's based on, and while a number of details read like a great black comedy, about 90% of it is vile insanity. These

@avclub-b5af0324c7abe943994b4aae5d5eafbd:disqus I agree. I thought the trailer looked like dumb fun (I confess a soft spot for both Wahlberg and The Rock, both movie and guy), then I read the true story it's based on, and while a number of details read like a great black comedy, about 90% of it is vile insanity. These

That story is crazy balls times a bajillion. Everyone here needs to take the time to read it. The article reads like a Coen brothers script. Naturally the film adaptation is being made by Michael Bay.

That story is crazy balls times a bajillion. Everyone here needs to take the time to read it. The article reads like a Coen brothers script. Naturally the film adaptation is being made by Michael Bay.

Dave Grohl has always been way better at selling Dave Grohl than being Dave Grohl, so this seems about par for the course. That being said, I do want to see his documentary, though I'm a'feared there will be constant close-ups of his goofy grinning mug.

Dave Grohl has always been way better at selling Dave Grohl than being Dave Grohl, so this seems about par for the course. That being said, I do want to see his documentary, though I'm a'feared there will be constant close-ups of his goofy grinning mug.

My son was sick from his preschool today, but I had to swing by anyway to pick up his shepherd costume for the Christmas pageant next week. I walked in to the school unannounced this morning and went directly to his classroom. For a brief moment, I thought to myself, "Should I be concerned that apparently anyone can

My son was sick from his preschool today, but I had to swing by anyway to pick up his shepherd costume for the Christmas pageant next week. I walked in to the school unannounced this morning and went directly to his classroom. For a brief moment, I thought to myself, "Should I be concerned that apparently anyone can

There was an entire Phil Donahue episode dedicated to this (early 90s, I guess). I had a tape of it in college (from the Underground Tape Railroad) and we used to watch it over and over again. Among the many amazing moments were the Kiss fans in full make-up who would say things like "We in the Kiss Army were just

There was an entire Phil Donahue episode dedicated to this (early 90s, I guess). I had a tape of it in college (from the Underground Tape Railroad) and we used to watch it over and over again. Among the many amazing moments were the Kiss fans in full make-up who would say things like "We in the Kiss Army were just