
Matt Selman is a frequent guest on the "Guys With Feelings" podcast and his episodes are definitely worth checking out. He's especially gifted at provoking the host, Jason Nash, into apoplectic rants, so that's a plus. And he has a Bill Costy/sushi story that is flat-out amazing.

Matt Selman is a frequent guest on the "Guys With Feelings" podcast and his episodes are definitely worth checking out. He's especially gifted at provoking the host, Jason Nash, into apoplectic rants, so that's a plus. And he has a Bill Costy/sushi story that is flat-out amazing.

In my heart, I'm always listening to "The Crunge." Oh, and "The Ocean," too. Those my joints!

In my heart, I'm always listening to "The Crunge." Oh, and "The Ocean," too. Those my joints!

If I'm being totally honest with myself? I don't deserve any better than this. I'm Adidas, not Nike. I get that now.

If I'm being totally honest with myself? I don't deserve any better than this. I'm Adidas, not Nike. I get that now.

Fun fact! If I call my Dad right now and just say the phrase "Yodas n' shit on 'em" he will laugh for five minutes straight. His favorite line from the greatest movie of all time. My parents showed me Raising Arizona when it came out on VHS when I was 10 or so. Defining cultural moment of my young life. My parents are

Fun fact! If I call my Dad right now and just say the phrase "Yodas n' shit on 'em" he will laugh for five minutes straight. His favorite line from the greatest movie of all time. My parents showed me Raising Arizona when it came out on VHS when I was 10 or so. Defining cultural moment of my young life. My parents are

It's a common response to being a new parent, but Jesse Thorn's assertion that he is "feeling the emotional arcs in movies much more deeply than I did before" is all the more reason why he should wait to see "Looper" until his kids are in college or something. I've got a 5 and a 2-year old, and I finally managed to

It's a common response to being a new parent, but Jesse Thorn's assertion that he is "feeling the emotional arcs in movies much more deeply than I did before" is all the more reason why he should wait to see "Looper" until his kids are in college or something. I've got a 5 and a 2-year old, and I finally managed to

My Dad heard us listening to this record in high school and said "What is this, Funk Zeppelin?" Pretty much. And much like Zep, it's best to ignore the lyrical content altogether and just rock the fudge out!

My Dad heard us listening to this record in high school and said "What is this, Funk Zeppelin?" Pretty much. And much like Zep, it's best to ignore the lyrical content altogether and just rock the fudge out!

Let the man go through!
(with this comically ridiculous idea)

Let the man go through!
(with this comically ridiculous idea)

A friend of my family used to work with the guy who edited the "Die Hard" trailer. She said he spent the next decade being paid the most obscene amounts of money imaginable to essentially recreate that trailer formula on all the big action movie trailers of the 90s. Perhaps not surprisingly, he apparently hated being

A friend of my family used to work with the guy who edited the "Die Hard" trailer. She said he spent the next decade being paid the most obscene amounts of money imaginable to essentially recreate that trailer formula on all the big action movie trailers of the 90s. Perhaps not surprisingly, he apparently hated being

I believe Penny referred to her doctor as "Dr. Spratt" in the intro. As in Dr. Lola Spratt, a Childrens Hospital nod?

I believe Penny referred to her doctor as "Dr. Spratt" in the intro. As in Dr. Lola Spratt, a Childrens Hospital nod?

This is a fantastic idea for a regular feature. As the breadwinner for my family, I'm obsessed with money to a degree I know is unhealthy. Fear of not providing for my wife and kids consumes me 'round the clock, despite the fact that, much like Gilmartin, I've never faced genuine poverty or financial strife.

This is a fantastic idea for a regular feature. As the breadwinner for my family, I'm obsessed with money to a degree I know is unhealthy. Fear of not providing for my wife and kids consumes me 'round the clock, despite the fact that, much like Gilmartin, I've never faced genuine poverty or financial strife.