
Its not about who spends more money, its how can you reach an elusive audience. Old(er) peeps are easy to reach, young not so much.

Actually, it was strange for me for another reason: would alcohol, even in small quantity, really steady the hand of a child (or anyone)? I myself drink really rarely (i hate the taste), so my experience with alcohol is really limited, but from what I do know, it does not seem plausible that it would help.

First of all, I apologize for assuming you're American - that was stupid of me. Second, I can understand where you're coming from, especially in the context of your family you shared. It is totally understandable that it would feel different for you.

How can you even qualify Jack giving Matt a sip of alcohol as "abusive"? It is probably what Jack's father taught him, and a kind of right of passage. In some parts of Europe even today, it is not unimaginable that a parent would do that. Is it an optimal thing to do with your kid? Certainly not, and the "tradition"

The fact that when encountered with statements such as Gross's, one can in all seriousness think it is either true satire or just expressing a point of view just shows how ridiculous SJW's discourse had become.

Nah, nothing wrong with unexpected - i mean, the "whole of Internet" guessed what was the twist, so in reality it was not really unexpected. Even less wrong with being uncomfortable. This was just meh on so many levels.

Finale was legen - wait for it - ah just fuck off.

Ouch, so late to this discussion. Sorry Kat-in-Tech, but you do not see the true mastery of the Bev and Miriam characters: the fact that they were presented to us as Agents, no more no less than any male agents we see in the show. They just happen to be women. Who get closest to Hannibal, out of all the police/FBI

Not every sitcom *has* to be politically correct or in tune with "noble(r)" human excretions. There is a long line of terrific and important works throughout history that used to be denigrated because they were based on "fart jokes and sexual innuendo" - that are now, 2000 or 500 years later, considered "true" works

And be eligible for twice as many Emmys

Also people…, well, "people on the internet " always complain that Joel promotes Community too much and brings Community actors as guests too often. Not saying it had any part in it, but at least those people could shut up about it on this occasion.

"OMG Skype it's like we're living in the future!"The only redemptive way I manage to read this silliness of marveling at Skype, like what? 10+ years down the line? — is to see it as a ridiculously clumsy product placement by Microsoft. Now that would not surprise me.

No, since that scene paints him as the "but I hate Obama and what he had done to us mwamwa" lunatic. Cartoon villains = idiosyncratic self-obsessed lunatics who only see their own version of the truth, and acknowledge no one else's. That is exactly the type of villain Sorkin built in Jerry. It's so textbook, it's

I dont understand the competitor thing on a campaign trail - arent those guys (journalists) all stuffed into the same small space, covering the exact same thing day in day out? Where does competitiveness come into play exactly? I can see that J1 can be much smarter and better at analysis than J2, but thats gonna be

"[…]but I do know that this show can treat its female characters a lot better."
When did that better treatment happen exactly?

I love me some (more) Bunheads, but why would the state of California pay any amount of money to a tv show? I got a sense (from way over here in Europe) that California is on the verge of bankruptcy, so am I missing something, or is that regularly done?

Didnt BB producers break up the BB season in 2 so they would be eligible for Emmys for two instead of one year?

I was thinking to myself that last 10ish episodes, Cyrus actually became the main character of the series.

Kalinda did say the TVD fanfic would be more of a problem of unstoppable ridicule than political unsuitability.

Funny how no one mentions this re: Joel McHale, when discussing Community.