The Canaller

I'm mostly joking. But it was just so goddamn inexpressibly stupid, it's one of the only reasons I can see the producers vocalizing to themselves, as to why…

Also, it should be said - William Forsythe, FTW.

I honestly think HBO has their magic 8-ball abacus AI - the one that explains The Path, ie, How to Dominate Pay Cable & Subsequent Global Distribution - telling them that no show is complete until we have the rich teenage boys who order their family's spending habits completely covered.

That was some weird hilarious racist shit right there. This is still CBS, after all.

How do Bill & Cathi keep surviving their occasionally overwhelming displays of incompetence? Whenever they pass someone, I start laughing. They acquitted themselves quite well JVCD challenge, which was the worst/best thing on this show in a long time. Specifically the awesomely stupid specificity of bodybuilding

It's on Dish, under the HBOs. For me, anyway. They run strange b-run movies, sitcoms, and the numerous modern progeny of Extra!

Did you guys time this with the Reelz channel? Which is starting from the beginning this week?

For the record, most Tribal Peoples/Native Americans/First Nations folks I've known (including a few academics) just use 'Indian'. Really. That wasn't exactly the sticking point in JE to me.

Yup. You're forgetting the departure of a certain macho female ATF agent?

I heard what Atari heard from Linc - I didn't get the biker gang past potential, but that's a great point. I understood it as him being essentially otherworldly, but not now.

I won't take that bet. But if you offered Unser at 3:1 odds…

LOVE the Otto telling the Rev (sorry) to … be … quiet.

Good call. That's what the timing is…

I would be prepared to bet money (though probably not pay up) that that bigender person was Noel Fielding. That looked a LOT like ElectroBoy/ElectroGirl…

And Western New Yorkers.

I agree. Pitt was, to me, the major gap in S1. The storytelling could be adjusted too, the tone even, but his performance - and look/sound/movement - was a gap in a crucial 1A role. Then, suddenly, he's fucking fascinating this season. I think it started when he had Jack Huston to play off of, then the resolution of

Dick Tracy… (one line)

Absolutely. That he said B2 was bad and Scott Pilgrim was good - well, that right there is why Universal sucks the ass.

Yeah, this review not mentioning McCarey is kind of surprising - you couldn't do any research, Noel?

Such dickishness these days. Maybe it would be more interesting (and astute) to examine the bottleneck process of how movies get greenlit (and 'handled') and dealt with subsequently, than this sort of Trotskian youth-rebellion bullshit?