The Canaller

How the fuck did Ti West get tied up in this shit? Must be the drugs… oh, wait…


Keep telling the story of SAMCRO past the Hamlet structure?

Depends, maybe, on how/where one was raised. Chibs/Juice killed me, but not as much as Opie/Piney's exchange - I had a bad feeling at that point, that this would be the last exchange they'd get.

Starman's a populist movie, which freaks out the horrorheads. Prince of Darkness is simply awesome. Sure, it doesn't 'have' the apocalypse in it. That's the only drawback.

Wrong. Mouth of Madness and Ghosts of Mars kick ass. Also, Woods' 'chicken fucking' discussion with the padre redeems any softness in Vampires.

Wow, just read this. Leonard, that was one awful first paragraph. If your aesthetic judgments are that tied into modern party mechanics, no wonder your work sucks so bad.

Fuck y'all motherfuckers. I enjoyed the shit out of this movie. Once again, it's 50s pulp, not 30s. Goodbye.

Because muskets could only be fired once every minute or so. Theoretically, they're the King's Musketeer Brigade (or whatever), but you never see them on the field of battle, where they would actually use muskets.

He's busy playing chess with some dude…

Stated elsewhere, but see The Difference Engine and Steamboy for true awesomeness in this path. Babies and bathwater, people!

All this is fine, but the fact is, Steampunk is responsible for The Difference Engine and Steamboy (as well as other fine things I'm sure exist out there). For those two alone, it's beyond worth it.

Oh, boy… to remember the days (day) when I saw Mortal Kombat Annihilation, and looked up the director of the first one (which was suddenly shockingly competent by comparison), and saw the director's name, and wondered if the Hard Eight director had been moonlighting…

I suggest a drunken/shrooming viewing of Punisher: War Zone. That will make you feel better.

Go away with the frakkins.

That was the only justification.

Josh is frequently right, albeit totally assholish. That said, his collection was really bad (at least 2/3rds), and only his 'personality' and the ladies' genuine terribleness saved him. What a terrible season. Y'all suck, especially Nina/Kors.

Not the only one. I appreciate Sutter handling some blind-spot story areas with this.


Salman Rushdie - the Malcolm McLaren of Iranian prose authors.