The Canaller

Shake harder, boy!

Yeah. That did it for me. Now they're good guys.

River Song's Poochy reign has ruined potentially the best season since the 70s. Or ever.

Another solid 3-D usage was Mars Needs Moms! There hasn't been a lot of 50s-esque sci-fi flicks ever to get the physics right, and MNM made some pretty interesting (and unheralded) strides in that direction. The 3-D element wasn't overwhelming, but it was frequently used in an interesting way.

Because it's about the dynamics, not the plot. The plot, acting and action have to not suck, which they don't, and that allows the episodes to flow like few others currently on tv (Justified comes to mind).

I agree, right back to business.

This show is successfully developing a lot of long-fuse-burns - but that "I was lying about lying!" bit was delightful, fascinating and such a foreshadowing of possible… what?

In re: Nina - it's about seniority, I think (we find out that she's been there for 8 years?). And possibly her ability to exert direct manipulations on others, even alphas, coupled with the Doc's trust/immunity (?) to her…

I truly do respect Brett Spiner, but I think both Strathairn and Cartwright (a seemingly REALLY serious actor) were above that level - they are the acting lynchpins of this show. And Ali.

Isn't Geoffrey Owens playing himself at this point? It's terribly, terribly funny to me, and I love my Cosby Show…

Loved ya, lady. ESPECIALLY your In The Mouth Of Madness role. So who's still whining about being stuck in a career out there?

That lucky, jammy bastard…

I have never seen anything with him, but I'm going to now.

I gotta study more.


They actually watched each movie three times, is what I gather from the interviews and docs. They'd take notes each time, by the third time, they'd start doing some of the really deep cuts (either contextually or within the movie).

Was that the worm one?

Wow, lotta hate towards Pearl, Bobo and Brain Guy. I thought Pearl was a great straight-man to those two. Sometimes the bits don't work well - okay, half the time - but the goods one are SO weird and unique.

My intro was Lost Continent. I'm a Mike guy, I suppose, but I think he got the more consistent writing. But it should have been a Joel…

I graduated to MST any lullaby-stuff from the original BBC radio Hitchhiker's. Both invaluable…