The Canaller


Are you serious?! You're lying! You're lying!

This is officially a really good show, everyone.

Sanjuro is just about perfect. It is a Yojimbo sequel, but you don't HAVE to have watched the first. Sanjuro is just like a pure 2:40 song. There's never any fat in AK stuff, but Sanjuro - hoo, baby.

Amazing output! RIP, sir.

And then there's Shinola and the Friends EP. Really, some of their albums one rejects for Boognish knows why, then you love it (as mentioned, ten listens later) - like White Pepper and Cucaracha were for me - or you go ape immediately. But they don't have a bad album. Why aren't they famous?

Oogie! Oogie! Oogie!

This really could have been at least twice as long…
Quebec is one of the top ten albums of last decade, and the Friends EP is ludicrously great - and not even mentions?

Community's trying SO hard!
I myself dabbled in Community a bit. Not in 'Nam, of course…

Like with NewsRadio - which would end getting canceled on the same day, the day NBC died - the abbreviated first season contains several getting-up-to-speed episodes where the cast and writing mature. I agree with Eponymous that this show ALWAYS stays interesting (moreso than, say, Twin Peaks) - even the romances

And the correct answer is… Scruggs! Congratulations, Scruggs, and contact soneil@avclub.com to claim your 80 lb bag of alfalfa seed.

There was no counter-attack, so to speak, by the Fish Man (in YotKS). He just rode everything out. That's what I was getting at. He just waits out the siege.

I've seen two shows, bookending Rehearsing My Choir. They were playing at double speed, almost everything, but it was still pretty worth it.

Well, there were all those Bon Iver news items to put up. Be fair.

If you like or dislike something because of how cool it is… Christ. Disown your friends and move to Williamsburg/Austin/Sheffield Ave and end it with the other douchebags. If you are liking something that was dismissed because of the lack of originality/quality/vividness (like most people's feeling about CCs), then

I'm with Lou. Hum doesn't belong (I'd say even SOME of later MP, but I love the MPs so much I'm weak in that area). Fucking Candlebox definitely does. I listened to all these CC songs - they really are quite bad. Sorry, Steve, but you should have been doing drugs and not being scared and listening to scared

I bet GL was a hell of a paycheck. Campbell also did the very nice Zorro movies. There were a lot of excellent (or at least, quite decent) directors spending some time in Baltimore in the 90s…

Thanks, Phil…
…for the long detailing of Moses Gunn's career. I watched this episode a few years back, having forgotten this was him.

You're not, AB, I thought it was the best solo since Fishscale, and def my fav Rae solo since CL (orig).

I hate to say it - but if she can bring some of that Titus A stuff, and tap the Kirby/Simonson look (I really didn't care for the Ultimates-inspired decor in KB's), that might be the greatest fucking comic book movie ever. Now, who can write convincing dialogue for Jorgummund?