The Canaller

Also, Marino is my second-favorite part of Wet Hot, and almost steals Role Models. He's damn hilarious.

Julie Taymor's available…

Thank you for FINALLY teaching me how to spell that! It's been years since Matthew tried to steal the gelato, and got trapped… I've been wondering this whole time.

Group Interviews
Normally, they are middling at best. This was pretty good, funny, semi-coherent, lightly ordered. Funny people can be fun!

The sad descent of the AV Club continues.

But here's the thing - Roxy Music kicked ass, and, well, pretty much all of us hate the fucking Eagles. The music wins! Gaga has a massive staff (having the remnants of the Interscope A&R legions attached to her) and a corresponding marketing budget of the gods (although, they still let that hideous cover through),

WHAT? Go listen to The Girl and The Robot or Don't Fucking Tell Me What To Do right now. And that's just from vol. 1 of Body Talk…

I agree w/ Persia - especially if one's shrooming.

@drdarkney - Yeah, I wasn't defending Madonna's oeurve (sp??), just how much more of an innate entertainer she was/is. There's something very smart and powerful inside Madonna, as opposed to the 'package me!' Gaga thing. I don't like Madonna, but I respect her (and partly due to her 80's usage of some damn fine

Don't fuck wit Robyn. A) She's swedish (they work according to different white person standards). B) She does the work. C) Her music in 75% awesome.

Who? Who has not retracted any support ever given to Oasis? Rolling Stone? Oasis was suck, is suck, will always be suck. Like Lost in Translation, there was a bizarre delay in people realizing how hacky and stilted their work was, but they only had, what, 3 years in the sun? So did LIT, so will Gaga.

AB tasking the AV once again!

You're being too hard on Lisa's accent, I think…
This reveal, when I first saw it (and having family and friends from Bahhhhstin way) made me laugh - a lot. I'm glad you id'ed Matthew's perfect 'Ugly Talk' line.

Go ahead and like her music, then. But (as Pop Trash and many others have noted) each song she's written has been a specific ripoff (not a combining of songs, but straight rip) of a predecessor, and the entirety of her posturing, her look, her attempted 'styles' are direct steals from what seems to be a focus group

It pains me to say it, but JT's music of the last decade is a LOT better than Gaga's rehashings. Gaga's sonically boring as shit, so it's not THAT difficult for the non-writing prick to pull it off…

You too! I just thought - not having read the books - that the YBB ads, title, star - everything just screamed douchiness. Keep on writin', KH!

But not as good as that Fox Motion… whatever. And isn't that about 5 giant steps backwards?

I can't fucking stomach the concept of, say, The Devil's Rejects being cut up by goddamn free credit report ads. I watch Larry Sanders, and… I think that's it these days, actually. (Yes, I realize LSS was w/o ads too, but who else caries it these days?)

Why did you think YBB would be good? Because it's trying to be cool?

Y'all said it. Somehow, Tomb of Dracula was (and is) scary - REALLY tough for a CCA-okayed comic from any era. And that run on Iron Man - that I only know through the b&w phonebook editions - is like Simonson on Thor. He just took an interesting but directionless book and gave it a really distinctive look. RIP.