The Canaller

Well, sheeee-it. I guess I gotta start reading the CD blurbs, now.

Sorry. Duh. Heat. Thank you. Nothing at all about Heat to criticize.

His greatest contribution to film…
IMHO, is the application of the Toland/Wyler/Welles deep focus camera techniques to sound. The heightened dream-state of having the fore-, mid- and backgrounds being simultaneously dynamic in the shot (CK, Best Years of Our Lives as the two extreme examples), along with the natural

It's funny, it's just not thematically sound. Bits are wonderful.

The Big Sleep was not simple - the plot was ridiculously muddled, especially because Hawks (as always) didn't care, and shot the additional Bogart/Bacall scenes months after the rest - but it feels like it, because it's Hawks doing standard American filmmaking brilliantly - shoot at eye level, restrain from close ups,

@Tom S - Secret Honor is astounding, and I forgot it.

That's cause Tanner '88 is from a fairly healthy perspective, not the koolaid of the turn-of-the-century tools calling themselves Democrats…

Ronin (like Midnight Run) is DeNiro at his non-mafioso best (alright, Italian-American, to cover Mean Streets, and - I guess - Hi, Mom!).

We feelin' you. Get well.

Lobsters, you better start copywriting your shit!

Yeah, well…
…it's a damn boring Secret Success. It's an anti-Hawks dialogue system (speed-wise) - it's at about 75% normal speed. To me, it's dreadfully precious and boring. It is Godardian - I kept flashing on Two or Three Things… throughout, and not happily.

How does Bon Iver (for example)…
…get an almost A- and massive love for every thing they do, and then this gets a C(+)? How do the tired and rote routines consistently get higher grades than successful work (like this) with a much higher degree of difficulty?

@Flaubert - no 'Slapslot' mention? Really?

That's right, Gary VIII! Fuck yeah! Fucking McDonald going back in time to the 80s and establishing a stand-up routine that was based on of-the-moment, bizarre yet apt word and concept combinations, JUST so that T&E would look bad when their Tom Goes To The Mayor would premier two decades later! What an asshole! T&E

Nope, nothing happening in Astoria. Hipsters should hate it, it's all families and businesses and boring real life, and people able to look each other in the eye and not doing assessments of where you got your clothes from. No pseudo-southern-Ontario-dive-bars-serving PBR at $3 a can. Move along…

Honestly, most UCB shows since '08 have been mean-spirited (sometimes) and unfunny (nearly always).

You know, she sounds exactly like Kramer in that Mel Torme episode… Novocaine! That's what's she on! At least in part!

Honestly, at least half the details of the first few seasons (and a lot of 'em from The Wire) are straight from the book, just shifted to where they theoretically made more sense.

'Beat' Takeshi Kitano. And obviously a shitload of the silent movie stars (especially Harold Lloyd, who does not get enough credit for how funny/current he is, and even if Roach or others got directing credits, HL was always at least co-directing).

Workaholics demonstrates that there's something bad (ie, second-hand-sourced, overly-referential, and lacking anything original or accurate) that the internet has done to the twentysomething comedic senses. Tosh.O confirms and accentuates how fucked they are. References and ripping off isn't where it at, young