Great Unwashed

I remember when some kind of "Yay Life!" Christian youth troupe played a cover of Spiderwebs at my high school, which I only remember because they were joined on-stage by the rest of troupe halfway through the song for a sudden outbreak of mass breakdancing for Jesus.

I guess you'll have to watch Everwood to find out.

Ugh, better faux-punks than people who still whine about poseurs or hipsters and are dumb and boring enough to take scene bitching seriously.

I'm not trying to be controversial or offend anyone's delicate sensibilities here, but to be honest, I have to say that James Brown rules.

"a friend of mine who took a day off work to drag a Ferris wheel around Los Angeles on behalf of Everwood in 2006 could testify."

Well it was the culmination of a political crises and fight between the two main parties that had the government mired in deadlock anyway independent of anything the governor-general did and the governor-general gave power to the other political party rather than taking power for himself, followed shortly by elections

Complete with a fresh six-pack.

So I just started listening to their previous album on bandcamp, and this band kicks. Although it may help that I actually like late-period Black Flag, and as such, the sound of that sound being re-engineered for the purposes of partying.

"Genitals are magical, mysterious places of wonder"

Yeah, when they were being talked about last year, I listened to one of the tracks posted and wasn't particularly impressed, but I gave them another try on the Pitchfork advance stream on the basis of the Metz comparison in the review and this post that indicate they're not so bad after all, and yeah, better on second


*finds himself on the set of Two Broke Girls, finds himself having to say something no-one would ever say for the sake of setting up a forced double-entendre as he walks through the door*

Ah well, not winning when we're the better team is, I guess, a step up for the Highlanders from last year.

Unfortunately, or fortunately as the case may increasingly be, I have no actual business in the Crimea. It was but japes.

The inconsiderate actions of the locals meant I had to cancel my jet-setting trip to the Crimea, so I was just left with some SPORT

Saw him live about a month back. He was good - his one-liner set-ups basically work as a foundation for some crowd work, with some less-than-discouraged heckling for him to respond to. I mean if you've seen 5 minutes of him, you've seen 2 hours of him, but if you're at the show, it works pretty well.

No, that's why I waited to read your comment when I realised I might still be able to get away with watching the game later without going to any great spoiler-avoiding effort, but I wouldn't mind anyway, I'd already seen my team's game on the weekend, so the rest is just second helpings.

Because of all that super rugby, I managed to avoid hearing the result of the England-Ireland game and so was able to watch it in complete ignorance last night when I got a hold of it.

I read in a review of an underwhelming live album from around that period that it was not a good time in general for that band.

Yeah, forgot to put that bit in.