Great Unwashed

Just showing that a comment system and site redesign may change some things, but other asinine traditions will never die. Nothing weird about reducing blackness to a stick of authenticity for affluent people to parade around and beat other affluent people with, that's just constructive and respectful social progress!

I can't get the link, but I have a fair idea what you're talking about (they have a real booze problem in that team, or at least public booze problem). There have also been a few sniffy comments that they've conveniently come down hard with the one week suspensions for the week they just so happen to be facing

(Now that I can usually use my account again)

Here were the heights of the ambition back in NZ: maybe if we put ten people behind the ball, we can come away with a 0-0 draw. Where are the Bahrains of yesteryear?

Like comic books, but with both more and less women.

Please Respect the Commenter

There's also a distinct possibility, given the column this is, that it was writing for a little direct affirmation. Just like if someone sends the same things to a different sex columnists, they're looking to be told that they're promiscuous, they must have problems.

They were definitely stronger than when they were down here at the start of the year, and whatever his other faults, Tales at first-five didn't have the bizarre compulsion some of their other players had for wonky drop-goal attempts when in good position and did take the ball to the line, which seemed to suit them

Back in my days of French class, I remember from the culture portion (which I took particular note of, as it was the only way I could make up for not being able to speak the language at even a New Zealand High School student level) the claim that the French weren't as mad for sport as in the English-speaking Western

I think Slade can be really good, he just needs to play for a full season - I've seen him a bit for the Highlanders, and he gets better the more games in a row he has.

If he can get to the 2015 World Cup and have another tilt at actually getting to and playing in semis/final, I think it will be then or not too long after (he'd be 33, I think, then, which seems about right), which I think he can -a shoulder injury sustained from a big tackle won't affect his long-term game the way a

After discovering that the tv shows Cobra and Viper are, in fact, two entirely different shows, I was left to mostly recollect my thoughts and avoid too much re-evaluation of what I do and don't know by watching some SPORT

I dunno, dork?

By fuck, you're a miserable, worthless grouch.

Here we are having a perfectly adult conversation about a woman making it with a chimp, and then you have to go drag it down to the gutter with your perverse old people making forts fantasies. Again.

It was always on, hence many of us have seen a fuckton of this terrible piece of shit. Love is probably the wrong word, more like remaining friends with people from your teenage years who you never actually liked all that much, but fuck it, that's where the time was invested, it's part of you now, however much you

Had it been "fucking a chimp", I would have been as grossed out as everyone else. But something about the particular wording of the phrase "making it with a chimp" makes me giggle too much to actually think seriously enough about it to be grossed out.

Holy shit, I never thought about it that way!


hahaha, that's almost too true. But next year, I tell you, the Wallabies will have a strong scrum, England will develop that running game and the AB's will finally turn that outside back into a centre who can also slot in at first-five and kick goals.