
I don't think he is funny. There I said it.

Don't forget about American Dad. It definitely has a different feel to it now. Also the get to say "shit" like twice an episode now!

But Sam does get on the boat with Gilly to Oldtown in the books. And he makes it to the Citidel in the books

I'll buy that for three dollars!

Finally the full frontal nudity we've come to expect from the Wolverine franchise can be realized

Man. I'm pretty excited about this Capital Critters spin-off.

We did it everybody.

This just in: Sucessful man with millions of dollars has enough money to do what he wants

I feel like throwing away 36 bucks a month to see it a few hours earlier then those others beats them on the smug scale. Also it has the snobby factor of "oh, 36 bucks a month? Thsts nothing to me you bunch of plebs" but that's just one man's feeling.

Well I guess I can still be a smug ass to my friends who don't have HBO

I feel like The AV Club has really phoned it in the last two weeks. But HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I can't believe the movie Batteries Not Included didn't make it into this.

I would switch return of the Jedi with a new hope. Otherwise I agree

He's America's greatest monster! In the sense that he forever changed the United States and did it in the way that superceeded all his presidential powers and was responsible for the death of a lot of Native Americans.

I was going to say it looks like he is auditioning for Indiana Jones

I guess I'll watch it since its famous now

I think you could argue that because Jessica heals faster than other people that her immune system eventually created antibodies that made her immune to him. I don't think her mental state has anything to do with it.

Finally giving the fans what they want

I went to college in South Carolina, and I will tell you Hardee's was a staple in my diet. I am originally from Texas and we got Carl's Jr. a few years ago and I was pretty excited because I thought they were basically the same thing. I will go on record and say that Carl's Jr is an abortion or Hardee's. That or

Meteor Man