Milk Box Hero

Where's my stapler…

Where's my stapler…

Larry King: Embalmed but still alive
Don King:  Fantabulous
King of the HIll:  Syndicated

Larry King: Embalmed but still alive
Don King:  Fantabulous
King of the HIll:  Syndicated

It's no "FDR: American Badass"

It's no "FDR: American Badass"

Great minds think alike.  But then again, so do dumb ones.  My brain tells me that it's awesome, so I'll just leave it at that…

Great minds think alike.  But then again, so do dumb ones.  My brain tells me that it's awesome, so I'll just leave it at that…

That reminds me of the Onion article with the ghost of Christmas future is teasing kids with a Playstation that won't be coming out for another 15 years…

That reminds me of the Onion article with the ghost of Christmas future is teasing kids with a Playstation that won't be coming out for another 15 years…

I liked the monkey judge…

I liked the monkey judge…

"I cannot fail out of the real world.  There are no more worlds for me to go."

"I cannot fail out of the real world.  There are no more worlds for me to go."

Makes me think of "Greased Lightning"…

Makes me think of "Greased Lightning"…

Not for free…get PAID to do it.  You can buy a mean pussy wagon with combat pay.

Not for free…get PAID to do it.  You can buy a mean pussy wagon with combat pay.

Why doesn't the US government just trademark "modern war"?  Pay down the deficit AND keep the kids excited about headshots in one swift move.  Get to work, congress…

Why doesn't the US government just trademark "modern war"?  Pay down the deficit AND keep the kids excited about headshots in one swift move.  Get to work, congress…