Milk Box Hero

Whataburgers or GTFO

Whataburgers or GTFO

You know that every single person who ever watched one second of NBA basketball has once thought to themselves,"How big are those guys cocks and who do you think has the biggest?"

You know that every single person who ever watched one second of NBA basketball has once thought to themselves,"How big are those guys cocks and who do you think has the biggest?"

Hey Morgan!  Just because you ate Mickey D's for a whole month and didn't die, doesn't mean that you're indestructable…

Hey Morgan!  Just because you ate Mickey D's for a whole month and didn't die, doesn't mean that you're indestructable…

I used to live in Germany, and I wasn't surprised one bit that the song had mostly thumbs up AND German comments about how great the song was…

I used to live in Germany, and I wasn't surprised one bit that the song had mostly thumbs up AND German comments about how great the song was…

At least it's not "Sweet Caroline".  There's nothing worse than drunk New Englander's yelling it out at sporting events.  I just don't get it…

At least it's not "Sweet Caroline".  There's nothing worse than drunk New Englander's yelling it out at sporting events.  I just don't get it…

"Challenge accepted."

"Challenge accepted."

That's kind of a tough call.  The story that comes to mind is of the Minnesota State-Mankato football coach who had naked pictures of his children on his phone.  They were apparently harmless pics of young pre-school aged children doing goofy kid things.  The police escorted him from practice and arrested him,

That's kind of a tough call.  The story that comes to mind is of the Minnesota State-Mankato football coach who had naked pictures of his children on his phone.  They were apparently harmless pics of young pre-school aged children doing goofy kid things.  The police escorted him from practice and arrested him,

level of homoeroticism on a scale of 1-10:

level of homoeroticism on a scale of 1-10:

Then why do I still have to register with the county?

Then why do I still have to register with the county?

You obviously forgot "ThanksKilling"

You obviously forgot "ThanksKilling"