Milk Box Hero

The only film I have ever seen of hers is "Judgement at Nuremurg".  It's also one of my favorites…

The only film I have ever seen of hers is "Judgement at Nuremurg".  It's also one of my favorites…

The "swing" states are the ones with all the hot tubs in the backyards…

The "swing" states are the ones with all the hot tubs in the backyards…

So is bail money considered charity these days???

So is bail money considered charity these days???

La Noire is spanish for…The Noire

La Noire is spanish for…The Noire

Donchu see how late they rackin'?

Donchu see how late they rackin'?

The only name that really makes me grit my teeth is Rooney Mara.  Can you get a more elitist name than that one?  Could someone not shoehorn a Kennedy or Roosevelt somewhere in there?  I think just to be a dick, I'm gonna name my son Carnegie Rockefeller.

The only name that really makes me grit my teeth is Rooney Mara.  Can you get a more elitist name than that one?  Could someone not shoehorn a Kennedy or Roosevelt somewhere in there?  I think just to be a dick, I'm gonna name my son Carnegie Rockefeller.

Michael Keaton in The Other Guys:  "I work two jobs so my son can go to NYU, explore his bisexuality, and become a DJ."

Michael Keaton in The Other Guys:  "I work two jobs so my son can go to NYU, explore his bisexuality, and become a DJ."

Pretty convieniant that Grandpa Joe was bed ridden and couldn't work, but Charlie brings home a Golden Ticket and all of a sudden he's Fred Fuckin' Astaire.

Pretty convieniant that Grandpa Joe was bed ridden and couldn't work, but Charlie brings home a Golden Ticket and all of a sudden he's Fred Fuckin' Astaire.

I think it may be very similar to the character Humbert Humbert in the book Lolita.  The trauma of his childhood makes him want to return to that period.  But of course it's impossible because you are no longer that innocent 12 year old…you're a manipulative 40 year old.

I think it may be very similar to the character Humbert Humbert in the book Lolita.  The trauma of his childhood makes him want to return to that period.  But of course it's impossible because you are no longer that innocent 12 year old…you're a manipulative 40 year old.

I quit facebook and now I am blissfully unaware of anyone's fantasy football team's rankings…

I quit facebook and now I am blissfully unaware of anyone's fantasy football team's rankings…