Milk Box Hero

Should I drop Andrew Luck in favor of Joe Flacco on my fantasy team?

Should I drop Andrew Luck in favor of Joe Flacco on my fantasy team?

A: CancerAIDS

A: CancerAIDS

I've seen that movie.  Not as much as the trailer led me to believe…

I've seen that movie.  Not as much as the trailer led me to believe…

She's alright, if you're into hot chicks…

She's alright, if you're into hot chicks…

I'm ready for some Faith Hillin' tonight!!!

I'm ready for some Faith Hillin' tonight!!!

I'm still on my Olympics kick.  More importantly, I want to know why nobody ever thought of making the US men's basketball team also the US men's FENCING team.  It would be impossible for you to get close enough to stab someone with your stabber thingy when your opponent has the wingspan of a California Condor…

I'm still on my Olympics kick.  More importantly, I want to know why nobody ever thought of making the US men's basketball team also the US men's FENCING team.  It would be impossible for you to get close enough to stab someone with your stabber thingy when your opponent has the wingspan of a California Condor…

Why can't we have a Fletch/Beverly Hills Cop mash-up?  Throw in a Ferris Bueller just for old times sake…

Why can't we have a Fletch/Beverly Hills Cop mash-up?  Throw in a Ferris Bueller just for old times sake…

Fletch or GTFO

Fletch or GTFO

One of the funnier stories I've heard on a late night talk show was when he was on Leno promoting the "Planet of the Apes" film.  He apparently broke his leg while doing a stunt, and they rushed him immediately to the emergency room for X-rays.  They took him right into the ER, still in full gorilla costume.  He said

One of the funnier stories I've heard on a late night talk show was when he was on Leno promoting the "Planet of the Apes" film.  He apparently broke his leg while doing a stunt, and they rushed him immediately to the emergency room for X-rays.  They took him right into the ER, still in full gorilla costume.  He said

Steps to having an awesome life:

Steps to having an awesome life: