Milk Box Hero

You can't have sex with her yet…

You can't have sex with her yet…

You said it vicksisamonster.  It seems like everywhere I turn I see a dumb chicks…

You said it vicksisamonster.  It seems like everywhere I turn I see a dumb chicks…

You think that's bad, just wait until Paul McCartney finds out that Wal-Mart is selling shirts that resemble The White Album…

You think that's bad, just wait until Paul McCartney finds out that Wal-Mart is selling shirts that resemble The White Album…

Close the fucking door on the way out, the AC is on!!!

Close the fucking door on the way out, the AC is on!!!

It's not a rip off!  One is looking down and one is looking up.  Lawyerin' 101

It's not a rip off!  One is looking down and one is looking up.  Lawyerin' 101

Damn goops…

Damn goops…

I prefer to see people lose their dignity the old fashioned way…VH1 reality shows…

I prefer to see people lose their dignity the old fashioned way…VH1 reality shows…

Feels a cop?

But to be fair, before this article was written, I didn't even know who Marvin Hamlisch was.  Maybe he was the Antichrist…I never met the guy, though…

But to be fair, before this article was written, I didn't even know who Marvin Hamlisch was.  Maybe he was the Antichrist…I never met the guy, though…

Freddy Mercury bio or GTFO!

Freddy Mercury bio or GTFO!

Will somebody please just get this guy a piece of ass already? sheesh…