Milk Box Hero

Tell him we'll trade ten cases of Moosehead for Duluth straight up…

Does this mean that Jamie Foxx will now be in Superbad?

Does this mean that Jamie Foxx will now be in Superbad?

No, the worst thing about Cool as Ice is that it has the same cinematographer as Schindler's List.

No, the worst thing about Cool as Ice is that it has the same cinematographer as Schindler's List.

I never got what that meme was about…

I never got what that meme was about…

This makes me happy!  I am one step closer to acheiving the new "American Dream" of having sex with a B-list celebrity!

This makes me happy!  I am one step closer to acheiving the new "American Dream" of having sex with a B-list celebrity!

Saw Aziz Ansari at the House of Blues.  It was a good show, but you're right, not many big acts come through Houston.  Austin is a little overrated to live in unless A) you're a student, or B) you got a kickass job.  But then again, there are about 50 towns you could say that about.  Oh great, I'll probably get my

Saw Aziz Ansari at the House of Blues.  It was a good show, but you're right, not many big acts come through Houston.  Austin is a little overrated to live in unless A) you're a student, or B) you got a kickass job.  But then again, there are about 50 towns you could say that about.  Oh great, I'll probably get my

Oh I totally agree that Dallas isn't charming, but it has a different feel to it than Houston.  I don't know if it's the narcissim that eminates from the area, or outsider's pre-concieved notions of what Dallas is, it just has a certain big city "feel" to it.  Maybe it's something about the big name figures that have

Oh I totally agree that Dallas isn't charming, but it has a different feel to it than Houston.  I don't know if it's the narcissim that eminates from the area, or outsider's pre-concieved notions of what Dallas is, it just has a certain big city "feel" to it.  Maybe it's something about the big name figures that have

I used to live down the street from Gilley's in Pasadena (of Urban Cowboy fame) when I was a kid.  There hasn't been much else filmed in Houston.  U2 did the video for "Stuck In a Moment" at the Astrodome.  Friday Night Lights the movie was filmed their as well.  Not much else…at least within the last ten years.

I used to live down the street from Gilley's in Pasadena (of Urban Cowboy fame) when I was a kid.  There hasn't been much else filmed in Houston.  U2 did the video for "Stuck In a Moment" at the Astrodome.  Friday Night Lights the movie was filmed their as well.  Not much else…at least within the last ten years.

Abortions in a script are like the paprika to any recipe.  It doesn't really change anything about the meal, just gives it that little kick…

Abortions in a script are like the paprika to any recipe.  It doesn't really change anything about the meal, just gives it that little kick…

With a bunch of forms and shaming if them damn Republicans got anything to do with it…

With a bunch of forms and shaming if them damn Republicans got anything to do with it…

Was their an abortion in it?  Probably needed more abortions…