Fatso Montoya

And congrats to Earl for graduating!

Remember, there's no i in win!

quick, let's all go to D.C. and stare at some monuments!

that would be val kilmer. we'll have to wait and see, then, if mark twain was secretly batman the whole time…now wouldn't that be a bombshell??

yeah, I thought "Indy Racing League" at first too, which kind of made sense, because, you know, I bet these kids kinda find racing fans on the opposite end of the cultural spectrum, with regard to hipness, etc. . .but I think the real point is, fuck people who speak in initials.

I'm all for every artist doing things how they want, and for more perspectives on music opening up, etc…but I guess what puts me off a little is The Internet as an impediment to great artists…granted, music has always been like this in one way or another, but now to take off you need not only great abilities as an

There's a "The White Rabbits," as well.

Ya know, she could have just taken the midnight train. That thing goes anywhere.

The main character in this game is just a small town girl, livin in a lonely world…

i think the comparisons to those bands are apt, but they don't sound anywhere close to 'exactly' like them…I'd say I prefer White Rabbits to either of those bands, actually.

'twas a genius moment…despite the darkness i thought this was the best ep of the season, i kinda hope it stays 'real' through the end…i fear angel dust, too.

Nerds…all the cool kids slack off and get C's.

@avclub-7e9d7bf9fca0d81a31df4f127d2e945d:disqus, not fair to blame this one song for all the dour shit in modern rock today…it took years of work to get to the sub-Creed level of awful we currently savor.
I heard this song for the first time in about ten years the other day on a classic rock station, I guess it was

We're now at the mid-point of the season, it's not early anymore. See where the writers take this—-Toby, the Russian, and now Shane have all been 'shit hitting the fan' moments this season.  Seems to be a bit of a motif so far.

I agree that season 1 will always be the best. But I'll be sad when there are no more episodes just the same.

I guess I just saw the sheer amount they were doing and said to myself, "You can't do that…you just can't! This is very irresponsible!"
Then he died.
Honestly, not the first time people have ingested fatal amounts of cocaine on the show…just the first time it had such serious consequences. I would have been bothered at

you have to see michael and michael have issues. that shit is hilarious, and will make you love him. if it doesn't i'm sorry for you.

yeah, so he gets a citation even though, had the vote gone another way, it wouldn't have been a crime? that's frakked-up! [rimshot!]
but seriously, frak that frakking frak. it's frak.

i honestly have trouble distinguishing the two. only kind of remember which is which, when it comes to sequels.  yeah, just combine them already. hard to disagree about this/these movies.

is it just me, or is everybody getting sick of gaping roars from CGI creatures? seriously. gaping roars.  every fucking commercial for every goddamn monster movie.  why would they ever do that? goddamnit.