missa bring

thanks AVC
for contributing to the problem…is there really a need to parrot MJ news any further?

he might be a little too "relaxed" already.

it's official: his films are now more repetitive and predictable than his music…

"douchebag" has been in the cultural vernacular (at least) since the original cast of SNL…

much easier to bling your own…

i bet he didn't wait until afterwards.

under the bridge
i find myself more interested in waters himself than his work. he gives a great interview, and always has something interesting to say.

they can set the price at anything they damn well please…it's not like there's some kind of omnipotent, iron-clad guide book for usb powered rotisseries or whatever the hell it is.

ATKINS my ass! i'm goin' down to Taco Town…

no, it's spelled "B-E-I-G-E S-A-D S-A-C-K"…for now and forever.

well, you could make an argument he was in the entertainment business…

i forgot to mention, it's only text-proof if you're in the kid's carseat…

28 days. later!

hated it.

"designer water" being a generic term for whatever the brand was that was the most expensive brand in the store…i forget.

after suffering through house of D, i'm pretty sure someone needs a better agent.

michael richards walked out of the store my ex used to manage with 2 cases of incredibly expensive designer water, without paying. it was not "an accident'.


i guess that's why they call it a teaser.

"He has a toenail on the end of his penis."