
Built to Spill has already been mentioned, but I have to throw in their collaboration with Caustic Resin. "Shit Brown Eyes" is less a song and more a 3 minute noodley co-solo between Doug and Brett. But it still gets me. spotify:track:5BEvIYpNBYVoHI3bo9nGVh

Thank you
comment section at the AV Club for making me laugh more than the Onion's main site.

The latest (?) Felt record "Rosie Perez" has some great back and forth with Murz. I agree, though. Even with his complex rhymes he still has an old school delivery. I'd love to hear him trade with Edan or Mr. Lif.

O'Neal was in Hollywood?

George, for the sake of ratios finish that book!

Can't forget
his run on the Deathlok reboot in the early 90's. I was just getting into comics at the time and shied away from the various X-related titles. This one caught my eye. McDuffie's writing made an otherwise monstrous character deeply human. He put a pacifist into a killing machine - a great answer to the