
Agreed and agreed. I loved the Wire & Mad Men, but they never made me read any of the books that showed up in the LOST universe (I'm looking at you "The Third Policeman") Nor did it ever make me want to read recaps and wild theories from anyone and everyone that had an opinion about the show. It's pretty weird how

TF: "It's pronounced analrapist"

It's not the pronunciation I was worried about!

Don't be an Ann hog!

Um…so…Mike Patton has a new band? Or is this just a Faith No More cover band covering the Postal Service? I guess I'm getting old. I just don't get it.

Ten cents gets you nuts…

Am I reading too much into this…
Rabin wrote: "…but Kenneth struck out once his blind would-be paramour felt his face and beat a hasty retreat. "

Alas, poor Frogurt's life had a shocking ending and not a happy one. Although, I guess that's why they call it the Shocker.