Dr. Hindsight

I'm getting ready for the first couple weeks of teaching a pair of classes I've never  done before (and sort of outside of my field) but it's going ok so far, and yeah, I second the NERVOUS.

Hell yeah rolled up sleeves! I unbutton the cuff and the next little button (the thing that holds the bellow closed) and roll them up, no fancy business for me!

That's a bummer, my melons did the same thing. I've had a banner year for squash and squash-related plants. I haven't picked any butternuts yet but they're going bananas and Ihave a few pumpkins that are making it happen so I'm pretty stoked to carve some sort of big stupid jack-o-lantern and roast the seeds

We made ratatouille this weekend since we've got an abundance of yellow squash, some eggplants, onions and some of our first tomatoes and bell peppers coming out of the garden.

I got kicked in the shin at rugby practice last night and now I have a big nasty bruise on top of a spot I had stitched up several years ago. So this egg-sized bruise made of old scar tissue is really the most disgusting/badass looking thing ever.

"Or as some of you wags have dubbed me..father goose."

Is hydrology the kind of field that typically offers paid assistanceships for grad school? If so, jump in with both feet! When I was getting my PhD especially because I was on a paid teaching/research gig for it. If I had to go into debt, I'm not sure it would have been worth it considering the job market (I'm in the