
I think we saw Laurel get a call from Annalise telling her to come by the house. She tried to bring Asher along but he said no.

Random note: I really want to know more about Laurel's actual crime family, and Annalise's remark that Laurel had done worse than this for her father before.

I don't understand how any writer could look at the last 4/5 seasons of GoT and think "You know what this show needs more of? Rape scenes."

I'm so there. Something I love about both of them is that even in the face of the horrors they've seen/experienced, both Shireen and Sansa are kind. Sansa might have to hide it behind a mask, but they both just genuinely want people to be happy and safe and loved.

I'm so glad that a lot of viewers and media are finally catching on to how awesome a character Sansa is, even if it took them 5 years (and poor Sophie Turner getting a lot of hate).

I've posted this elsewhere, but: what on earth happened with Kalinda and Lana?