Doctor CancerAIDS

Hmmmm, Mr. GimmickAccount, am I pronouncing that right? I thought I had some news on your medical condition, but… this is really weird. Your file is completely blank! I'll have to get back to you after Oncology takes a look.

You can stuff your sorries in a sack, mister! I'm gonna feed you the contents of your bedpan.

There's no gentle way to put this, Mr. Firthetic. You're boned. But you do seem to be well on your way into the Acceptance stage. That's important progress, good for you!

Mr. Cthulhu…am I saying that right? Ka-TOO-loo?… I'm your doctor, and I'm not supposed to judge the risky choices and unsafe pursuits that a patient undertakes, even if they lead to terrible consequences.

Amerikira's Most Wanted? Yep, that's underrated - really a classic Ice Cube album.

Kristen Pfaff Still Dead

WWF, speaking as a measurably inferior gimmick, I adore you.

Mr. Narrator Returns, I've consulted with the surgical team, and it's undeniable:

Mr. Boreanaz, I've been looking over your chart… you'd better sit down.

Yeah, I'm Bai-curious too.

"something between an erotic, made-for-cable vampire movie and an all-lesbian Kiss tribute band"
I don't know if something like this exists, but I kind of want to buy it, fuck it, and/or be in it.