
yeppers. I demand more Jean-Claude hopped/doped/drunk on whatever the fuck was causing him to speak in that short burst spastic way with a completely indecipherable accent, in no way is that French.

What the crap is this shit?

Dude you can get the wired Xbox 360 controller that TheoPizza is talking about for $20. See: http://www.amazon.com/Wired…
Plus once you start gaming on Steam it is crazy cheap as compared to consoles, but yeah as hard as it sounds like I'm trying to sell you on it I am going to end up getting a ps4 myself. (mainly for

PC 4 lyfe! I guess though it doesn't matter with extra content on this one as it's releasing next month and won't be a game of the year addition. Though there is rumored to be other add ins for pc plus the steam workshop mods if you care anything about that.

I know right? It's like this whole story doesn't even make sense.

fuuuck I didn't realize new Eagleheart had started airing! I want to upend my desk and run home to watch this sumbitch right now!

ohhh sick burn! Right guys?

I don't recognize it, is it original? "Liked" and all that

The more I think about this the more I like it, no need to even address the ins and outs of what actually happened during the couple of years BB took place, Start by establishing him why he moved to New Mexico (b/c he obviously didn't like it there "ugh the desert") give him his own ongoing issue that got him out

I like this idea since the only power shown of Nan's is foresight so maybe she's a step ahead of all the shown action, it would be really cool if she was playing a long con on the entire coven.

the hell is QQ…I mean other than the fantastic Chinese media player for Android?

well, here I am, I guess I'm gonna like your comment but I can't really say why.

Yeah, I don't know if I'm getting too old or the avclub is in fact becoming more PitchFork-esque if you will, but instead of actually reviewing an album and talking about what it set out to accomplish and why musically the reviewer thinks it got there or not then rating it accordingly it's become, "people like this

Fuck you Pugs! Fuck you and your soul-crushing realistic predictions!

lel That's some classic avclub snark, exactly what I show up for A++

Shouldn't it be "vadge" like Madge?

Nice bro. Though maybe she didn't get online until this year?

Ya'll talkin' bout "Deep Web"?

I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who thought that way about Weeds, and maybe my explanation for those off-putting lead characters is wrong and it's actually more a problem of trying to write to an expected demographic, but personally I'd rather watch a grittier less sexualized show following the yoga lady

Its actually garbage I'm really flabbergasted by these glowing reviews it's like people are watching a different show then the one I'm seeing on my Netflix, though admittedly I've only seen the first episode. Maybe I will give it another episode or two before I give up, but as white trash from Arkansas I like