Creepy Shut-in

The Prichetts are going to Hawaii
As soon as they mentioned Hawaii I immediately thought of sitcoms past that resorted to sending the family to Hawaii. Of course they avoided the hackey sitcom trope while kind of sending it up. Thanks TV show.

Was I drunk or did the black band that was laying down tracks for Elvis Costello invite him to a Galactic show. I was hoping Galactic would be making an appearance.

The initial release schedule:

Asian Stereotype
I saw the Asian bad driver joke coming a mile away but I still laughed my ass off. When she said "I saw that" then clipped a parked car I nearly cried.

The Onion is an American news satire organization. It features satirical articles reporting on international, national, and local news as well as an entertainment newspaper and website known as The A.V. Club. It claims a national print circulation of 690,000 and says 61 percent of its web site readers are between 18

That gives it credibility in a strange sort of way.

I'll have your finest milk steak boiled over hard with a side of jelly beans…raw

The Wire, The Sopranos, Deadwood, Mad Men, Big Love, etc. Yeah I get annoyed by people who proclaim a certain long gone era as "the golden age" who the fuck are you to decide that that was the best time?

He says during the scene in the back of the truck: "…I knew as soon as I had hold of him that I could kill him, and probably could have done it with one hand, like with the Kansas girl." I assume that is what Zack is referring to.

When reading the description of the instrument I had a hard time picturing it: "The instrument, whatever it was, was round, round as a wheel, and strings, which were real tight, caught the fire, caught off the flames in the low part of the building…." honestly that description sounds like a cheese wheel with strings.

I second the American Pastoral. I was just watching burning monk footage and who knows what I might do if you guys don't cover it.

Fallout 3 but no Oblivion
Sure Fallout 3 came out recently, but it's such a limited game. Oblivion's world was infinitely more extensive than Fallout 3. Oh yeah I forgot the AV Club thinks Oblivion is lame as demonstrated in this vid: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

AV Club really needs an actual chat board so shit like this doesn't end up in episode threads.

A Very Sunny Christmas
Seriously doesn't come out till the 17th? I got that shit off BT a few days ago and it's hilarious. And 43 mins long.

I think that's kind of the point. To turn you on to new music. Why would anyone buy a music guide to music they were already familiar with?

Toby O'Dare
The protagonist in my new book, Chase Magnet, thinks Toby O'Dare has a stupid name.

But it's interesting how none of those other reviews have mentioned the striking similarities this game has to Fallout 3. I guess plagiarism doesn't exist in the video game world.

Whale Wars
I watched the show once. Never again.

Just confusing. Why is the man on the right blowing in to a purple party horn while he holds down the man with orange horns to be beaten up by…oh I don't know..lets say Justin Timberlake with long hair.