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    Yup. EuroFanta contains actual juice. Makes a huge difference.

    Absolutely loved
    Ron and Andy's letter to April's grandmother (father).

    Luke's project
    I thought that a large part of Jay's not wanting to help Luke was that it meant he would miss the basketball game. Otherwise, I'm sure he would have been happy to tell him all about his celebrity barbershop.

    Hey now-

    Damn, didn't catch that. That's funny, though.

    Mad Men
    I thought Liz's mom's Sterling Cooper reference was a little bit weird. Just mentioning it without any sort of follow-up or greater context didn't strike me as the usual 30 Rock style of humour. Or did I miss something?

    The Good, The Bad, The Weird
    The last Korean movie I saw was Dragon Wars- it's nice to see that not all hope for the SK-film industry is lost. Because, you know, I judge an entire country's output potential on one movie.

    i don't know if even this is enough to get me watching talk shows on network television, but it's a start.

    sports vs. art
    It all starts in grade school, with the kids who can run and the kids who can read. There's the gross generalization du jour, but it's not completely without merit.

    blank stare indeed…
    From the name, I'm guessing this was American Country Idol? I'd make some Tennessee-related joke, but I've got nothing right now.

    I suspect
    that a lot of people on here are going to be disappointed to hear him affirming his love for Jimmy Fallon…

    True North Strong and Free
    Hey A.V. Club,

    I give Steve an A+ for taking care of the "firsties" issue like that.

    the next topic,
    as alluded to in the article, should be those strips we want to see dead.

    one last time…
    if my comments suddenly appear in triplicate, I will not be held responsible.