
That was exactly why I wish they would have just left him dead (as f'd up as it sounds). The whole montage was picture perfect

This is what I am without you…a fucking weirdo

LOVED the picture of Kenny in the trophy room that said "Powers Saves" . It makes me wonder how many iconic images could be modified to befit Kenny Powers badassery

Mallory may not have had a lot of lines last night but Whorediot made up for it…hello new word, so looking forward to situations I can use you

Quibbles at this point I realize but….during the dark magic ritual Lincoln's mom (I probably should know her name by now) asks how she knows how to do this or something and Jahel says someone is telling her. I got the feeling she was somehow possessed at that point, at least not acting on her own accord. She still

T Boy

Cheaper car insurance

I'm a huge fan and still didn't realize until I read the review. I'm horrible with that shit. I'm assuming some people knew by the voice but others probably saw it in the credits?? My father would be so disappointed by my lack of credit viewing, he harped on that shit when I was a kid. "It's part of the experience"

I had no idea they shot those commercials in other towns, I've only seen the one's shot in Terre Haute. There were a couple right? I can't believe no one had thought of it before, perfect backdrop

Best scene of the night, ending with them crashing into the delivery guy at the door. For a second I thought they were all so hungry they were going to start eating the take out stuff right there on the street like a bunch of cannibals

Seemed more catty girlfriend jealous of your marriage than homophobic dbag

The one time an in-depth recap would have benefited me. I didn't realize they were doubling up this week. So did the warden know the gold was there or did the brothers lead him to it? Also what was the deal with the bars of soap? Was it some sort of mold for the big key?

soon as I saw it…I noticed some people edit posts, anyone know how this works?

It's a soap so your first paragraph is a mute point. I agree with your second paragraph as it does not follow the usual soap script involving an arrest. In a real soap Daniel would be kept in a local city/county jail and each episode would involve various characters coming to visit him, standing right at his jail

I second the F U ABC sentiment. Not returning until April and still no next time on….. BS

That was the vibe I got Amanda or Jack. Which one will she throw under the bus? My money is on Amanda, since the last time she saw her she had a gun pointed at her.

I have a feeling they are tied together financially as well, perhaps revenge sensei is  concerned about his bottom line if she get's exposed. Either that or he is breaking his own rules and is genuinely concerned about a former student,

I wish they would have just went to the amusement park to begin with and skipped the whole marina part. So many more opportunities for awesome

yeah but the last scene with Stevie and Kenny laughing about the crazyness of it all, kinda help bring it back into place

I've been here in WV for a few years now. Just a few weeks ago someone said, "I moved across the bottom". It took a minute but I got it. I watched a PBS special about Appalachian music, it had subtitles but I didn't need them. Both things made me feel oddly proud of myself.