
Seeing them together terrorizing the putt-putt I realized I would have LOVED these two in highschool.

I didn't get the vibe "I want him to be dead" but whatever. As always she f'ing takes it off the rails. If it was my husband I would have clued him in day 1 or 2 about the intensity of the relationship. Perhaps then they could have duked it out and patched things up. I'm thinking Shane's a little too far down the

My dad was a HUGE hippy. I was in your daughter's situation. Gram Parson's, the Dead, Allman Brothers….You better believe when I was 12 my boombox was blaring Too Legit to Quit. Now guess what's in my Ipod. Full circle. Long story short, she'll turn her back for a moment but eventually come around to decent music

GD it! All I had to do was scroll down one more comment! I do appreciate that someone else caught it though. My husband was all like "I didn't see anything"….

I caught "a look" between Revenge Sensei and Nolan at one point at the party. They are totally in this together.

As a fan of fiesty children I think devil baby has his place on this show. How is it not funny to hear a toddler backtalk his mother "doubt it" and then later get a shot of him lurking around the neighborhood with a hammer.

That kinda fits the "hypnosis" theory. Perhaps they are all operating under some trance, acting out subconciously (both implanted and real memories) or you know just lazy writing cleverly disguised as a plot device.

@avclub-152068f47123dee89897d4af72cc0fff:disqus yes, yes I did. Even into college. It still didn't ring a bell and for some reason, I assumed Archer was saying the word in English.Despite years of studying it I also just realized over Christmas that Mantequilla=Butter. Which makes the South Park episode even funnier.

Why in god's name have I been thinking they are saying "high life" all this time. I even tried googling that at one point, only to assume that it was so obscure it didn't come up. Damn english as a first language

That scene was by far the funniest part of the entire episode.

I thought it was playing up how much these two just need to get a room already. Lana (despite her snarkiness) is concerned about Archer. Archer (despite his manwhoriness) is concerned about Lana. Given the fact that half of Isis was in that van and her name is the only one he is screaming the whole time.

Luke again delivering two killer lines in matter of seconds!

Yeah at some point they have to let us in on how the plane really went down, so it's possible that there is a bigger fish out there.

Mike's comments hit a little too close to the heart. Brand new stadium, all eyes on Indy and the Colt's…..oh Colt's how far you have fallen (sniffles quietly in the corner staring at picture of Peyton Manning)

It's strange right? I was totally critiquing the pizza map…

That would be right on the money soap wise….my husband refuses to believe it. I can forgive him, he's new to this genre

I'm not sure if this counts as character development but I was more upset that Weaver shot the dino in the head than Lucas shooting the chick (is her name really Wash or is it just short for Washington?). Side note: I loved that Lucas was all "he was no threat to you" and then proceeds to blow the shit out of the

The only people he's not a danger to is Lori and Carl. Everyone else is expendable. We have Daryl, it'll be ok. A sociopath in the group, no matter how seasoned, is a fucking loose cannon. We aren't talking about a war hero here just some deputy with the brain structure of a neanderthal. You may envision him giving

Manny and Luke are golden. The "What is this hold you have over me?" line was hilarious as well as their banter about how the other kid never shares his toys.

No mention of the Carol/Daryl (Care-dare, anyone?? too soon) scene. The "you did more for her today then her daddy ever did" line brought tears to my eyes. Here's to secretly hoping Daryl finds the kid and the three of them run off together and every so often we flash to the three of them living it up in some