
Daryl had my full permission to yank that rifle away from her and bust her in the head with it and I can say that because I'm a girl and she is a flipping moron.

Dutch has successfully moved into our Christmas movie rotation…though I believe they were on their way back for Thanksgiving. Nonetheless, McDonald's swarminess plays out well

Wait was that the place Daryl went to?? That looked like a house to me. Someone is living in the cupboard and eating sardines…

also a PBS special coming out soon

I have a feeling the grumblings will turn into a revolt at some point. It's hard to argue with a guy that has an army about him and all you have is a jungle full of dinosaurs about you. That kind of coup takes a bit of planning. Enter section 7 or whatever they are called….

As a jungian you should appreciate the archtypes being played out between those two.

I remind myself of this rule every time I take my chubby ass to the gym.

I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've seen him walk away from an arrow, which was slightly annoying b/c he could have easily scaled that tree and cut the zombie down or pulled the arrow out.

We can all only hope that the women see him as an adorable little munchkin and all the men see him as the gimp baby.

If a 16 y/o can throw a party that's worth more than I've ever made salary wise then yeah I think this could work with a million dollar ghost house.

I'll give Rick his freak out moment but Lori charging in like she just arrived at a world renowned children's hospital and needed a second opinion was UNFREAKIN beliveable.

I'm fairly certain Daryl said it was meth and the antibiotic was there b/c Merle was known to get the clap…that was a giggle out loud moment

nice catch

Exactly, I mean I get they are kids and don't have the best ability to keep it together when the shit hits the fan but seriously zombie apocalypse is a acceptable time to begin threatening your children with all the horrible, horrible things that will happen to them if they don't stay still and quiet.

"What kind of ex-CIA agent gets his ass kicked by a socialite?" direct quote from my husband.

As soon as the mask came off, I was like are you kidding me, I've seen worse on faces of meth. Maybe in the 20's it was worthy of a crappy mask or perhaps it's my high tolerance for the grotesque. Whatever….I was underwhelmed by the reveal.

I giggle a little every time we get a shot of the tatoo's

I live for moments I can use "or a blessing"

No doubt, I'd rather have Traffic Light back

Apparently Mommy gets first dibs and Angie's left scrambling form sloppy seconds. Just all kinds of wrong in that beach house.