
I f'ing forgot about Fringe. Too busy watching my husband play Dead Island (rolls eyes). Now you have to wait 8 days after the original airing to watch it online?? How lame is that!!

New Lily is good, loved the "kill the baby" stuff, popping her leg up when Cam mentions ankle bracelets and the exchange between her and Luke. They need to pair these two up pronto.

Def not grizzly bears. Maybe brown bears?? Perhaps in the northern part of the state….I grew up in central Indiana and I don't recall anyone ever talking about bears or seeing bears.

Way late on this and no one will ever read it….sighs…..

By the time you were getting the treatments in school it was cool. You can start giving them regular toothpaste around 3 or when they are pretty good at spitting it out rather than swallowing it.

I agree we've had a good time playing it.My only beef would be that for a game heavily touted as a co-op experience it's as though the split screen was added as an afterthought. You can't even pick up from where you left off for christsakes. It's maddening, ecp. when you can load the exact same save as a single player

Little Robert and Lysa
Who else was waiting for the kid to spaz out?? That would have pushed the scene right over the edge. Also, the look Tyrion gives Cat = priceless. As my friend cygnus says above Dinklage is f'ing crushing it.

It is bittersweet watching these episodes but I can still barely resist the urge to reach through the tv to smack the everloving shit out of Sansa. One does garner some sympathy for her along the way but still what..a..little….beeeatch

catch the Morel reference in regards to the omlet Walter offered Olivia…Jesus I miss those things

@ John Barleycorn..I get more of a Dr. Mengele vibe

This makes me Sad.
I don't think a comment is really necessary. The subject says it all.

I guess I was the only one…
who thought Brandon was behind the kidnapping. I assumed he wanted to steal the baby to power the machine. Unlike Anna I do consider myself fairly clever and it was a bit of a knock to my awesomeness.

Is cougartown just on a hiatus or what? I'm too lazy to look it up….Penny can

Kid: Puff the Magic Dragon
Embarrasing: Good Enough by Cindy Lauper, only really embarrasing because for years I thought it was Goonie Love
Hip: The F&%K Shop, only hip because I thought I was a real bada@# having a bootleg copy, also made me popular for like 5 seconds b/c everyone wanted me to bring it to their

Call me a perv
but I thought the funniest bits were in the urologists office.

This may come across creepy but you'd be surprised how easy it is to mess with a kids mind, confuse them and make them forget things. Particularly in an Olivia and Peter situation. For Olivia, repeated trauma (via stepdad) is the perfect set up for repressed memories (such a cliched term but work with me here). She

I'll see your spaghetti monster onesie and raise you one zombie snack bib

fauxlivia and Peter's baby could power the machine or at least evil Walter could imply it. That'll send Peter running back….

alternate Broyles' body was sub'd out so fauxlivia could come back, I assume they have no idea and really do believe he is missing, I'm sure it will come back into play at some point

Two words
Pillbo Baggins