
Hey Peter
No pressure or anything but whomever you really love determines the fate of their/our universe.

All of thier suits are sweet. Not the biggest fan of a white colar but the one Nucky was wearing with the orange/salmon colored dress shirt was pimpin.

Was it the Felice Brothers directly before?

Yeah I just assumed they had different dads. We don't know much about his mom, she could have been a playa herself.

Could they just be maintaining it somehow?? I just assumed it was the saltwater doing it in.

On that note I was also thinking that these drug experiments while under the guise of some random hospital are all probably under Walternates eye. I have a feeling dude's got a lot going on.

… matter

@ crybaby, addicts can be reckless, they can be poor depressed souls, they can be both. Does it really matte all paths lead to the same end…

Sure enough however with the exception of the gender stereotyping below diabeetus makes my main point. It was never about what anyone wanted, just what would make the most money.

@ Thirsty Jon, they need to open up those hidden passageways under the city and turn Terre Haute into a prohibistionist area mecca, with wax figures of gangsters and everything. I'm ashamed to say that while I grew up 15 minutes from TH I've never had champagne velvet. Though it will be my mission this Christmas.

Exactly the point. He was catering to all of us under the age of 8 at the time. What Lucas could not forsee was the backlash on a little something called the internet like 20 years later. Well let's be honest even if he could have known would he really have given a shit? Doubtful as he's rolling in the Ewok money on a

I was mostly amused to find out that the comic is still being published.

I think the one thing we can all take away from Zombieland is the double tap. It works in so many scenarios .. zombies, psychopaths, some crazy drug dealer named Tuco you've only shot once in the stomach… let's be reasonable you've already pulled the trigger once, you might as wellgo for it.

It's where it's at

Y&R Scoop. Victor must be sucessful at luring Adam out of hididng. What? No one else is psyched? Wrong board….

JC man that's hardcore suck

Also thanks for the commenter shout out. Very nice.

Team Man of Science seems very disgruntled about The End.

Vincent made that scene. He almost topped the eye shutting…. Almost

There is a troll working overtime in these threads tonight.