Yeah? Guess I should read those blogs! I'm actually glad to hear that. And I suppose the comments from Stefan and Jamie were probably edited to make it seem as if the chefs were caught off-guard.
Yeah? Guess I should read those blogs! I'm actually glad to hear that. And I suppose the comments from Stefan and Jamie were probably edited to make it seem as if the chefs were caught off-guard.
I loved Oingo Boingo while in high school (graduated in '87) and now my 5-year-old son REALLY likes a few of their songs on my IPod. I can't decide if that's a good or bad thing, in terms of my high-school musical taste.
When will they learn?
What amazes me is that, this many seasons in, these chefs still seem to be surprised by the "oh-by-the-way-now-you-have-to-cook" twists like the one last night.
I think that's actually the Manifesto State.