
Double album. LP1: Singles LP2: The Crow

Now there's a sound I haven't heard for a long, long time.

I say this as someone who legit loves The Shins, but this soundtrack did massive and irreparable damage to the pop music landscape. I fully believe you can draw a direct line(I'm not going to try, because who has the time, amirite?) between this soundtrack and the unholy horror that is Mumford and Sons.

I did the same thing as you, especially after I fast traveled once. The Regalia and the music and everything seems pretty clearly to be Sqeenix's way of saying, "yes, we know this is going to take forever so why don't you stare at the scenery and listen to Terra's Theme in the meantime?"

God bless the days when the Cartoon Network was nothing but wall to wall Hanna Barbera crap from the 70s.

There could be entire courses taught about NASCAR's many, many attempts to modernize their product and television broadcasts. They are many, epic, and almost always fucking terrible.

I'd put my money on some exploitative record executive releasing "colored music" back in the 40's.

I'm actually really looking forward to watching him chew up and spit out his like, 10 lines of dialog.

I'm actually kind of interested to know how a Michael Bay production of Rocky Horror would turn out. I mean, it wouldn't be good, but it could be veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery interesting.

I'm 99% sure this is a joke, but I think having a traditionally unsexy Frank is the way too go. Someone about 40 pounds overweight with a muffin top who sweats too much, that kind of thing. Just go all out and make him an unsettling and creepy as possible.

Has anyone else trying to watch this show on Hulu had problems? I can't tell if it's buffering weird or what, but every time we try to watch it we start losing frames and the sound ends up way ahead of the picture. And it's like this for every episode. We've only seen the first 15 minutes of the premiere but we tried

Between the picture and the "Dead [redacted]" I thought this was going to have something to do with Dead Alive pudding scene and I just had to choke back a vom.

The best thing about Meaning of Life is how unrelentingly pessimistic and even mean it seems. It's sketch about awful shit followed by sketch about awful shit and then at the end they're like, "Well, try and read a book and go to a movie and eat a nice meal, we don't know, fuck off."

DEVO should be hailed as prophets.

3 is not only the best Castlevania game, but the best Classic NES game, and the Japanese version is even better than THAT.

I used to be ambivalent towards Lady Gaga, then she did that absolutely god-awful David Bowie tribute at the Grammy's and I now actively hate her, which is my way of saying I suspect that this will be very, very bad.

Move to Colorado.

I loved 40oz to Freedom in HS and had the tape, my friends and I listened to it so much the tape wore out. Then the self-titled record came out and it seemed obviously cobbled together from whatever scraps they could coax out of Nowell while he was sober enough to work and it just seemed sad, and then that shit got

Not a bad list, but also not enough of the long, sprawling, 5 guitars soloing at once stuff from the mid 90's stuff.

He's from Georgia.