
Don't let this guy watch any Edgar Wright movie twice. His poor little mind would probably break.

Nitpick: Everyone claims this show has an 80's style synth soundtrack. It doesn't. It has a modern sounding synth soundtrack doing a kind of half-ass imitation of an 80's style synth soundtrack.

The next time I talk to my parents I'm going to apologize for how much of their money I spent on this piece of shit at Aladdin's Castle.

I spread mixtapes around my hometown in the 90's like the world would end if I didn't.

Their second record is one of the most underrated records of the 90's, and better than the first.


Honestly, I think it went too far trying to be faithful to the source material, which completely misses the point because most of the things that Watchmen did that were revolutionary were genre-specific things that don't translate to the screen. Issues that act as front-to-back-to-front-again mirror images, issues

Mere surmise, sir.

Walk East of Bunker Hill until you hit the coast and then start walking south and look/listen for the kid.

I haven't done Far Harbor on Survival Mode but I was over level 50 when I started it and on Normal difficulty and some of the enemies are total fuckwads who hit like a truck and pop out of nowhere so I have to imagine they're even more fuckwad-ish on survival.

I thought the Fog was just the steam rising from the pool of leaking nuclear waste underneath the sub.

Dude, no.

It's mostly "The Mist" with some Lovecraft thrown in to the environments for flavor.

More of a pie or casserole, really.

The sky was the limit.

The save-crystal mimics in FF XII can kiss my ass.

Because the sensory experience is fair game to be interpreted however the public sees fit, but the actual piece of art is not. Every band that's ever put a melody line played on the synth over a rock band playing a chord progression in 4/4 has interpreted the sensory experience of listening to Just What I Needed*. In

Which, as the original author, he has the right to decide.

A more apt comparison would be a person using the blueprints for the house and claiming they drafted them, which would be illegal.

Considering the underlying chord progression and entire intro from the song weren't also used I think he's probably safe.