
It's in the Guild's charter.

They spelled Ty Segall wrong.

Gotta have Chicago Seemed Tired Last Night, mang.

"At least in dying you don't have to deal with New Wave for a second time."

One of the best parts of Sonic Highways was the revelation that Ian Mackaye was a huge Ted Nugent fan as a teenager.

Silent Bob's cousin Olaf's music career has really taken off!

Still playing Final Fantasy VIII, I feel like I'm getting towards the end, but I'm still on Disc 3 so I'm not sure. I have the weird-ass airship and I just went and got Rinoa from the Sorceress' memorial and am just kind of wondering around the world map, which is basically empty, going back through all the towns and

Everything in baseball is a weird sexual euphemism.

The problem is I'm not using a walkthrough and I don't really remember the game well enough to know otherwise, so there's really no way for me to know that. Anyone new to the game would be under the impression that they need to hoard as much magic as possible, which leads to 10 minute long battles with nothing but

I'm going as "guy who puts on pajama pants and watches scary movies with his girlfriend."

There are three types of people in the world, people who suck at Don't Starve, cheater, and liars.

I agree, and I'm typically a big fan of open world type games. I think, to me, it serves to illustrate the purpose of all the space in games like GTV or Fallout where you're walking from place to place. The quiet moments give your brain a second to relax and recalibrate, making the parts you interact with mean more.

I think the best course of action is to pursue culture while building up juuuust enough defenses to deter the other Civs. If they can see any of your cities, by being on your borders, having an embassy, send units by, whatever, they will act more or less aggressively based on your military build up. You need to find a

I've been playing through Final Fantasy VIII for the first time since it came out. Kind of weirdly, given a major plot point in the game, I'm finding that I really don't remember a lot of it. I know I beat it back when it was released, but aside from some very rare moments of recognition I've been able to come at it

I want someone to make a cheap slasher sequel to this movie that will be available at Red Box.


Terry Bradshaw, no contest.

Wow, AVClub, this shit's so old my aunt shared it on facebook 3 months ago.

May your crystal spheres always rotate in harmonic union.

Or maybe it's just fun to try?