
Very, very possible.

Yeah, I was pretty indifferent about this movie until now, but that sounds amazing.

I know this is ridiculous, but I can't help but be intrigued by it, and god bless that cranky old bastard for having the balls to write it.

I've always seen Plainview as an avatar for the destructive power of unchecked capitalism.

Disc 3 was always missing.

The only job I've ever straight up quit like that was also a call center. I can't speak for their experiences, but the entire operation was so impersonal that I honestly didn't feel like they'd even notice I was gone. I worked there 2 months and I honestly couldn't tell you who my direct supervisor was. I would swipe

I honestly didn't know that I cared that much about Robin Williams.

Best film I've seen all year. Maybe a couple of years.

And long, 20 hour blocks of whatever hour-long, syndicated programs they can buy cheap.

I can tell just by the climate, and I can tell just by the style
I was born and raised on venus and I may be here awhile
Cause every supersonic jerkoff who plugs into the game
Is just like every subatomic genius, who just invented pain

Steve Miller is amazing at finding the line between "how in the fuck do you get away with this shit" and "insanely catchy" and then just riding the shit out of it.

Lady, I am no futurist.

Love Is A Long Road.

They wasted a perfectly good opportunity to sample "She blinded me with science."

I'm hoping for Jackson Park Express and Mission Statement.

Or they're just easy songs to learn.

There is a ton of really good stuff buried in that box set.

I would agree that it is overused, but I think it really depends on the context. There is a difference between having a distinctive sound/voice/style and just being lazy and never evolving.

I think Unchained is pretty distinctive sounding, what with having Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers serving as the backing band and all.

*tips cap*