
Hey, um, guys? Bill Watterson drew comic strips this week for the first time in 20 years:

It really is.

My muscle memory game is Super Mario World. It was the only game I had for the SNES for a solid year and I beat that thing forwards, backwards, upside down, and sideways. To this day I can pick that thing up and breeze through it, and weirdly I can play it better drunk than sober. Like, get me 4 or 5 beers in and I go

Bruce Springsteen.

Same thing, different costume.

I cringe every time.

Yup, Eve 6 and Tonic took that shit out back and shot in the fucking head.

I have wasted entire weekends trying to pare that thing down to an acceptable, roughly hour long single album and it. is. fucking. impossible.

The Terror is pretty fucking weird.

Don Johnson, meet the Syfy channel. Syfy channel, meet Don Johnson.

There are entire jokes consisting of nothing but camera movement and editing.

I'm basically the opposite. I thought the film improved on the source material so much that I can't really enjoy the books anymore.

Yeah, his direction and editing stand out. A lot.

No, that is actually what Avengers 2 is about.


My gosh, that's a lot of denim.

I was just scrolling through to see if anyone had said WEEN and god damn, The Pod is a brilliant choice. I remember in college my friend and I ate some mushrooms and I put on that record and we spent the next hour laughing our fucking asses off. Good times.

I made the mistake of deciding to play a "quick scenario" in Civ V last week.

It's totally macho for a dude to tear up alone in his apartment at two people getting together, right?

A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-TA-L-L-I-O-N, I am the Stallion, Mang!