
Extremely aware. That was the "Big City."

I worked in a kitchen during college and Dirt was the only album that any 3 cooks could agree on, so while I have no problem admitting it's a great record I never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever want to fucking hear it again.

Hahahaha! I'm from the middle of nowhere in East TN and I distinctly remember myself and a bunch of other friends going nuts buying CD's and Metal T-Shirts during our 8th grade DC trip for similar reasons. I don't remember where it was that we ate lunch everyday but it had three levels with a food court and it had one

I heard Jeremy recently after purposely avoiding it for more than a decade and I guess enough time had passed that I could get over hearing it approximately 20 million times in the span of one summer because I was struck by what a really good fucking song it is.

Siamese Dream owes more to Boston than it does to Grunge. I think only real common-denominator in the DNA is Sabbath.

That sludgy-ass guitar riff/run that Cantrell keeps repeating during the pre-chorus is my favorite part of the song.


I know hipster/scene/liberal kids who legit think things like this, so while I appreciate what he's doing I'm not sure how immediately apparent it is that he's joking.

The State does all kinds of shit, they just don't necessarily do it all together and at the same time.

This is genius.

"For me, going to see the Wagon is like going to church. I mean, I got my own rituals for the occasion. I always listen to Hi Infidelity in the car on the way. I get there a half-hour early so I can burn one and chug a beer. But most important, I always wear my special pair of REO Speedwagon jeans. Once, in 10th-grade

As someone who moved roughly 8000 times in college it always got on my fucking nerves when the female roommates/girlfriends/wives/etc. would use it as an excuse to not have to lift anything.

Yeah, there was also a commercial with a dude playing a contractor that looks JUST like Joel.


Given the improvisational nature of the acting on this show I've begun to wonder how much of it is the writing and how much of it is the kid not 100% understanding what he's supposed to be portraying and/or picking up bad habits because some of his earlier line readings were seen as funny.

While I really like both that song, Richie Havens, and that particular performance of that song, I couldn't help but feel like it was kind of inappropriate to play over a final montage like that.

I had a hard time understanding the pregnancy test thing just because the logistics of them having sex in a hospital room. My mom is a nurse and has countless stories of people receiving "get well" blowjobs/handjobs/sex or even just teenagers whacking off only to have a cadre of nurses suddenly storm into the room

I never heard from anyone that Goonies was anything less than wonderful until about a year or two ago when Dan Harmon rewatched it and declared that it didn't hold up. Since then I've seen countless people proclaiming this opinion on various websites. Maybe I just never noticed it before, but I feel like he either

I think the bigger issue here is that there aren't even a lot of women or minority figures in positions where a higher up at a network could look at them and say "yes, that is a person I want hosting my high profile talk show." It's not just that they don't have the talk shows, it's that they don't have the positions